"And that's how we got to where we are now" Angel said, taking yet another bite on the second chocolate bar she had with her, the last piece of it infact before dropping the wrapper to the floor.

Meanwhile, Adam who she had been telling all of this, about everything that happened on their end after he had made the emergency call for reinforcements which unfortunately got cut off to them being sent into the field to provide assistance, to had moved to the original spot he was in the store when he was trying to listen for mechanical sounds being made by any of the Stealth drones but ended up coming into contact with these Emerged trainees instead.

"You all found me using the information about the one and outs of the district you got from one of the other trainees who are all currently hiding from the drones somewhere but you don't know exactly where that is because your telepathic communication got cut off the moment the aura vanished" Adam said as a summary
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