Chapter 1433
Sylvia set down her wine glass. "Since Father Rosalyn is here, I must go and see him."

Seeing Sylvia head toward the lounge, Mark followed eagerly behind.

Standing still, Martha narrowed her eyes. She knew Mark was planning something against Sylvia in the lounge.

She had always wanted Mark dead, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Three individuals, each with their own agenda, converged in the lounge.

Martha joined them, her plan clear: she would bide her time until Mark acted, then exploit Sylvia's fainting spell to eliminate Mark and pin the blame on Sylvia.

The notion of employing another's hand for murder intrigued her. Such an opportunity was rare and not to be squandered.

Mark, aware of Martha's deadly intentions, had been vigilant in his self-defense. He had thwarted her at every turn, leaving her no opening.

Martha had not anticipated such a fortuitous turn of events.


Finding the lounge empty, Sylvia frowned. "Mr. Pentra, where is Father Rosalyn?"

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