The stand of fate

The moment, Mo Shen stepped into the battlefield it became a one-sided massacre, his movement was fast, his hands was like machine creating destructive movement each time it moved.

His sword followed a pattern, a killing pattern.

One strike from his sword either take out two beasts at the same time or take a rank demonic beast at once.

The other scumbag disciples fought with all they have got and still they could not achieve what Mo Shen achieved without trying really hard.

It was not hard to tell who the boss is.


Meanwhile, in a mountainous area.

Hinata could be seen holding a skull that released dark smokes.

She was shivering as she held it and standing in front of her was a group of angry demon worshipers armed with swords and ready to slash the human into pieces.

"Human, you are weak and you have no comrade to save you, why not hand that over and let us kill you painlessly." They said while gritting their teeth.

Hinata shivered and shook her head.

She got along with t
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