"I will be a Villain in this life."
"I will be a Villain in this life."
Author: Amber Shaw

Zavian had a good life.

He had a loving, caring, and innocent mother and a cool, strong, powerful, wealthy father, and a protective and well-behaved elder brother.

Then what could go wrong?

His father was loving, very loving in fact, but it was no hidden fact that he loved his mother more than anything, and perhaps that was the very reason for every tragedy.

When Zavian was born the Oracle predicted his future, in a loud clear voice he said, "This child will be blessed by goddess Ankh, he will be her favorite child and shall be loved by her, for him the goddess won't hesitate to go against the cosmic law"

That made him even more special and also the center of envy and jealousy, but a loving family was everything he needed to be happy.

Zavian believed and loved the goddess Ankh as his own mother, he had grown up listening to stories of the goddess and had her bravery and miracles, which have always fascinated him.

The goddess was his hero, and he was her worshipper. One day Zavian, when he was five, went to the temple as usual, but there he met the Oracle who had predicted his future.

The Oracle named Silas who was blind greeted him. Silas had silver hairs and pale skin. He was extremely good-looking as well. "young master Zavian, how have you been?"

The little Zavian smiled and greeted the Oracle, "I am fine, how have you been? " Zavian was the son of the most powerful duke in the empire so of course he was well behaved and well-spoken.

The Oracle smiled and patted his head, "a child favored by the goddess herself," Silas sighed, but his mood wasn't cheerful when he said that.

Little Zavian, who obviously noticed the change spoke," what happened Mr. Silas?"

The Oracle sighed, "Being favored by the god is like Being the target of envy by this Universe. I am glad that I am blind because I don't think I will be able to face you in the future".

Zavian didn't understand what the man said that very day but soon the oracle's words made sense.

Soon after Zavian's mother, Irene's father died, his mother didn't want to take him but he Begged To go with her, since he was very close to his grandfather, and his father also supported him.

But the day, when they were coming back from his grandfather's funeral, was the day when the tragedy begin because on that day there are a heavy downpour and his carriage flipped but his mother protected him with his body.

He still remembers his mothers lying on top of him and he was staring at the black sky while the cold drops of rain hit him.

That was the day the tragedy begin.

His father, Seth, who should have been happy that his son had returned, slapped him in front of everyone and announced him as the abomination and the very reason for the death of his mother.

That day Zavian realized how much his father loved his mother. After that day, the rumors spread and he was seen as an evil being.

He survived a crash that no one could survive because the goddess saved him and killed his mother instead.

The people started avoiding him and looking at him with disdain because the goddess would kill anyone to save him.

And that was only the beginning of the end.

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