Jedidiah Jetti's Transmigration

18 ratings

Jedidiah Jetti's Transmigration

By: Victoria T.O CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 258 views: 10.8K

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Jedidiah, a hopeless orphan was treated like scum by his colleagues, superiors and the society in his first life. Then he gets killed in a bid to save someone. However, fate grants him a second chance and he is transmigrated into the body of an average scholar. But he discovers not only has he gained a powerful vengeance system, he also has to complete hectic/nearly impossible tasks to continue living. Can he survive this time? ___ Not Your Usual Cliche System Stories. Check this out and go on fascinating missions with Jed!

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  • Victoria T.O


    For the reader whose review is below mine and for others who might be discouraged to check this out because of his/her review, I'd like you to know I am going to edit and rewrite the last chapters. Do check out for the update. Thank you

    2024-01-06 17:44:50
  • Adeniyi Eniola


    woww this is nice

    2023-11-22 18:31:54
  • s9897841


    wow this is amazing

    2023-11-22 05:24:19
  • Makinde Racheal


    This is brilliant, I'm not really a fan of novels but I can say this is really captivating, I couldn't stop reading. kudos to the writer ......️......

    2023-11-21 03:42:30
  • mercysalifu87


    Usually, I considered books like this perplexing, but sincerely, this is such a delight! It's neither too simple nor too complex. I love it!

    2023-11-19 02:01:06
  • Ayomide Kareem


    You did a very nice job!! This is such a nice book, can't wait to read more

    2023-11-14 21:41:06
  • Victoria T.O


    Hi, It's the author here. I think I did a great job. Gotta give me some credits. Hehehe, thank you so much for reading. I hope you continue!

    2023-11-12 05:18:44


    Wow, what an interesting book. I just love everything about this book. Keep it up, author.

    2023-11-09 22:42:20
  • lemohachinasa


    I'm obsessed with this book and I can't praise the author enough for this masterpiece...the few chapters I just read has me captivated already

    2023-10-18 13:43:01
  • Enoch


    I love the relationship between Jed and Vendetta

    2023-08-11 00:10:37
  • Harry Adedeji


    Saw the ads on my brother's phone. Just had to check it out... Dang! This is good

    2023-07-23 19:49:04
  • Victoria T.O


    Dear readers, take a step and check out this awesome book. Don't be scared of lagging updates as this book is constantly being updated everyday with two to three chapters. Thank you.

    2023-07-23 19:02:21
  • Hakeem Benjamin


    would you like to make it a film ...

    2023-07-23 08:04:18
  • Sivaprakash A


    For a great book I personally feel the ending is so abrupt. So many storylines were open could have given closure. For a great read the ending is too disappointing

    2023-12-29 13:00:38
  • Kira


    Wow! This book is so interesting! Keep up the good work dear Author...

    2023-11-12 04:45:13
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Latest Chapter
258 chapters
CH001: Humiliation
Jedidiah held a stack of ruined papers in one hand and a squeezed coffee cup in the other with a look of horror on his face. He was returning from the breakroom with the cup of coffee he had gone to get and the documents he was asked to scan when someone bumped into him, causing most of the cup’s contents to spill on the documents.“Are you blind?” the guy that bumped into Jed scoffed instead of apologizing. “Do you know how much this designer shirt costs?”Jedidiah didn’t hear all these as he frantically tried to wipe off the stain on the papers. He couldn’t imagine how much trouble he would get into. But the guy thought Jed was ignoring him and got pissed off. He reached out and grabbed the papers before throwing them down.“It was you who bumped into me first and you should be apologizing,” Jed snapped, looking at the completely ruined papers helplessly.“How dare you talk back to me?”Jed finally looked up and realized the guy he had been arguing with is the company’s Casanova, Ma
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CH002: His Vengeance System
Jed was certain he could get home on time before the rain start but just as he came out on a deserted street, he came upon a scene he’d never imagined to see in his wildest dreams. He’d thought they only ever happen on radios and television. How unfortunate can he be?“Please, don’t pull the trigger. I will pay you even more than whoever hired you to kill me paid,” A middle-aged man in a now soiled silver tuxedo pleaded on his knees. Five masked hoodlums were surrounding him with guns in their hands.Jedidiah should have taken this moment to flee from there and pretend he didn’t see anything but he panicked for the old man. He brought out an old mobile and called someone.Meanwhile, the old man’s assailants all laughed. “Our loyalty can’t be bought with money. Besides, your son paid us enough to make sure we do a clean job without leaving behind any traces.”One could even feel the painful look of betrayal that spread out on the man’s face like he couldn’t believe his own son had plann
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CH003: One Of A Kind
“I am one of a kind and only serve one purpose. That is to enable my users to earn their well-deserved revenge. While you were dying, your strong sense of grievance and vengeance triggered my activation. In order to save you, I had your soul transmigrated here, a different part of Philadelphia you never knew existed and into this body which used to belong to one Jedidiah Jetti,” the system narrated. Jed was surprised to find out the original owner of this body bears the same name as him.Before he could ask any questions, Vendetta continued, “System found this body a suitable vessel for you because yours and the original host’s fates are quite similar. Before his demise, Jedidiah used to be an orphan like you after his only parent, his mother, died of a strange mental illness. The boy would have been thrown on the streets if someone had not anonymously recommended him to this prestigious academy, Elites High, earning him an automatic scholarship.”Jed looked at the screen eagerly when
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CH004: Can't Escape Punishment
“Huh, who are they?” Jed wondered silently. As he thought of this, two virtual chat boxes appeared on the boys’ heads. One box had Ben Palmer and the other had Eric Smith. Basic info about their bio was shown to Jedidiah. Ben Palmer is a descendant of a prominent militant family in the city while Eric Smith hails from the lineage of wealthy jewelers. They are both roommates to the deceased Jedidiah and used to be his good friends. Once the students saw the teachers, they scooted away from Jed, seemingly afraid to warrant punishment. A teacher with a stern-looking facial appearance stepped out and swept his gaze round the assembly hall. The students recognized him and cowered away fearfully.“What is this I hear about you all bullying a student? Has the standards of this academy dropped this low to the extent of bullying?” the man’s deep monotone resonated. “No, it’s not like that sir,” a student tried to defend their actions but Ben Palmer rushed to Jed. He was the one whose thoug
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CH005: What's Wrong?
Jed looked at the teacher and a virtual box containing her essential bio appeared on her head;Name: Mary Henshaw.Status: Married. Profession: Calculus teacher. One Relationship Found: Paternal aunt to Jane Doe.Now he understands. so she was trying to defend her niece from embarrassment. Before anyone could refute, Mary gave the students a cold glare and one after the other, although they didn’t want to and they knew what she was trying to do, they began to speak up in Jane’s defense. Who in the entire school doesn’t know that Jane is her favorite student?“Yes, it is true. We gathered here because Jed invited us to the assembly ground to witness his proposal to Jane.”“I didn’t want to come but he practically begged.”As the students shouted, the teachers came to a conclusion. “Alright… Alright… Everyone is dismissed. Jed will be taken to the principal’s office to be duly punished.” Even Eric and Ben didn’t couldn’t contradict this claim as Jed had indeed broken the rules. Altho
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CH006: Where Is Our Friend?
“You… Didn’t you say you are allergic to veggies? You wouldn’t even share a seat with anyone eating veggies! What are you doing now?” Eric was the first to accuse him. He looked at the huge bowl in front of Jed again. It was vegetarian pasta with a lot of vegetables the latter used to hate.”Where is our friend and what have you done to him?” Ben suddenly asked. “The Jed I know will never taste the smallest spinach even if you threaten to take his games from him.”Jed laughed nervously and scratched his head. “Guys, c’mon, don’t act like this is such a big deal. You always complain that I should try to lose weight and that is what I am trying to do. No more junk food till I look like you guys.”“Since the fall, you have been acting strange. Are you sure we don’t have to visit the infirmary?” Eric was still worried.“I’m fine. Eat up or your meals will get cold,” Jed urged them before facing his meal again.Ben smiled heartily. He doesn’t know what happened to Jed but he knows he defin
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CH007: Meeting His Biological Father
“Mr. Jed, your father has asked me to bring you home,” Peter announced the reason for his arrival with a harmonious smile. Jed frowned slightly. Father? That word sounded strange to him. Both in his previous life and this one, he has never had someone to call his father.While he was thinking about this, he heard Peter’s malicious thoughts, ‘How is this dirty, fat, ugly-looking creature fit to be my young master? He must have inherited these terrible facial qualities from whichever slut gave birth to him! Even his grades and behaviors are nothing to write home about! None of his teachers had anything good to say about him. A nameless dumbass like him wanting to ride on the Jetti’s coattails. Hmph! Dream on!’Jed looked up with a cold look and Peter quickly adorned his face with a wide amiable smile. Not even in his wildest dreams would he have thought that Jed actually heard what he was thinking.“Okay,” Jed stood up after giving this short but cold response. The butler bade the prin
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CH008: Struck A Gold Mine
Jed looked down at the card. It was a sort of bank card. The butler’s eyes widened because he recognized the bank card. At that moment, he really wanted to say, “Sir, isn’t this too much?”“Take it,” Alan thrusted the card into Jed’s hand when he saw that the juvenile had no intention of accepting it. “This contains $1,000,000 in the bank account I have created for you. It will cover all your expenses for the meantime. Don’t hesitate to ask Peter for more when you are in need.”Jed was stunned. His eyes displayed his awe after hearing the figure the card was containing. Never in his life has he heard or seen such a huge sum of money before. His originally stiff face relaxed and he nodded, “Thank you dad.”Alan felt a sense of accomplishment from the appreciation he heard in Jed’s voice but he sighed regretfully. Then he thought ruefully,’ I can only use this to keep you at bay before I figure out a way to get rid of you. Anna is furious enough about your existence. I can’t risk you co
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CH009: Son Of A Nouveau Riche
Slam!Jed was puzzled to see the class bully, Henry in front of him. “Are you deaf? How dare you ignore me?” Henry growled in a voice deeper than that of a teenager’s. “Let him be, Henry. You can see he isn’t in a good mood,” Ben looked annoyed.“Shut up. Who cares? How dare he act high and mighty just because he is now the son of a wealthy family? Note, he is only an illegitimate son so he has no stance in the family,” Henry bellowed and the class laughed. Jed was irked. Why do they keep on calling him an illegitimate son when he’s got a real name?Amidst all these, a soft, flowery voice spoke, “If I didn’t know better, I would say you are jealous. Even if he is an illegitimate son, his status is higher than you who is just the son of a nouveau riche.” The class fell silent at these words. They all looked at the one that spoke. When they saw the pleasantly, beautiful face of the class belle, Liana Adams, they were perplexed. Even Henry blushed and rubbed his nose in embarrassment.
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CH010: The School's Janitor
“But…” Eric wanted to protest but Ben pulled him back. He motioned for them to leave. He feels ever since that incident at the school’s assembly ground, Jed has been acting strangely. He seemed… Like a totally different person but they couldn’t question his actions as he had promised to explain to them later.Once his friends had left, Jed crouched in front of the janitor. “Sir, do you need money?” The janitor was surprised at his question.He gave Jed’s poor appearance a look. This lad already looks pitiful enough, how can he be of any assistance?Jed’s lips twitched at Ian’s thoughts. He understood Ian won’t answer truthfully based on how wretched his outward appearance is. So he said,” I was given more than enough pocket money and was thinking I should mail the extra $100,000 with me to a charity fund later. Are you sure you don’t need any money?”The janitor’s eyes gleamed. $100,000? Just the amount he needs. But his eyes dimmed; he couldn’t be so shameless to collect money from
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