The Billionaire's Retribution

4 ratings

The Billionaire's Retribution

By: haniyahhputri CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 133 views: 2.2K

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Damian, a geeky-looking man and heir to a technology company, secretly supports his first love, Camille, to achieve success. However, driven by greed, Camille has an affair with Marcel, the finance director, who is involved in corruption. Marcel and Camille showered Damian with numerous insults. When the affair is exposed, Camille divorces Damian. Seeking revenge, Damian reveals his true identity and engages in a contract marriage with Davina, Marcel's fiancée and Camille's best friend. Damian plots to make Camille and Marcel face multiple humiliations, and they will regret it soon.

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  • Ciara Moire Lorna


    "Super exciting! Every day brings new thrills. Can't stop reading!"

    2024-01-26 12:29:08
  • Dian Retno


    Semangat kak,,, bukunya keren.. lanjut part berikutnya ya

    2024-01-25 22:42:10
  • Lelevil Lelesan


    This novel appeared on my homepage. Honestly, I was quite surprised by the storyline, which is full of scandals, secrets and ways to trap. And what I liked the most was when the end of the episode made me guess the next eps. This is quite an interesting story to read.

    2024-01-19 09:51:28
  • haniyahhputri


    The best novel I've ever read! All of the storyline, the characters, and the conflict are perfect! I really love this one. Highly recommended!

    2024-02-14 08:16:38
Latest Chapter
133 chapters
Chapter 1: Finance Manager
"Davina," Camille said as she walked into the lawyer's office, "I implore you to prepare the divorce documents for me."Davina raised an eyebrow, casting doubt on Camille's intentions. "You claim he is always at home, working as a househusband. I believe he loves you deeply, so why seek a divorce?"Camille settled in the chair, disregarding her best friend's opinion. "Please, just prepare the divorce documents. Just in case I need them later.""Do you think my office is a place to have fun? I have dealt with countless absurd divorce cases. Don't make your divorce the most foolish one I have encountered," Davina said, focused on the computer screen, ignoring her best friend's request."If I provide you with a serious reason, will you assist me in obtaining a divorce?" Camille inquired."We'll see."Meanwhile, at home, Damian paused, gazing at their exquisitely displayed wedding photo. "My wife still possesses the same beauty she did three years ago.”Damian attention was diverted as th
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Chapter 2: The Affair
Damian stared at his reflection in the mirror, admiring his neatly styled hair and polished appearance. His red and black plaid shirt and trousers made him feel confident for tonight's family dinner."Camille, are you ready?" Damian called out.Camille left the room wearing a stunning red mini-dress and red heels. Damian couldn't help but appreciate how sexy she looked, but he wondered if her nightclub attire was suitable for a formal family dinner."I'm ready. Are you coming too?" Camille asked, sounding surprised."What do you mean? Of course, we're going together. My father has been eagerly anticipating your arrival," Damian replied, confused by Camille's reaction."Family dinner?" Camille looked bewildered.Camille seemed confused, but Damian was even more perplexed by her unusual response. "Didn't I mention it to you this afternoon in a message?""Yes, you did. I need to grab a glass of water first," Camille quickly excused herself, rushing to the kitchen. There, she poured some
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Chapter 3: Welcome Back
"Where are you taking me?" Damian looked at Davina, his confusion evident as she urged him to accompany her to the building across from the jazz bar. Obligingly, Damian followed her to the apartment building."If I can't finish mine, you should at least finish yours," Davina broke the silence with a firm statement."What do you mean?" Damian questioned, still at a loss as to Davina's intent.Without further explanation, Davina strode into the top-floor apartment unit. Damian complied, removing his shoes and slipping on the pink slippers from the shoe rack. He couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be the first man ever invited into Davina's living space."Please, have a seat on the sofa. What beverage would you prefer?" Davina busied herself in the fridge, preparing a drink.As Damian settled onto the sofa, he examined the modest interior of Davina's studio apartment. Its compact size allowed him to take in the entirety of the space with a single glance. However, one object captur
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Chapter 4: The Surprise
"Three years ago, you insisted on leaving home to live a simple life with your wife. Why did you suddenly decide to come back?"The Americano coffee that Atlantis drank that morning suddenly tasted better. Whatever the reason, Damian's return had been the most pleasant news Atlantis had received that year."I will tell you the reason later. There is something I need to take care of first. Give me all the company information, and I will study it before I take over. You may also need time to convince the board of directors due to the change in CEO.""You sound very prepared and impatient." Atlantis looked at his son with pride. Finally, Atlantis had won this war."Isn't this what you wanted?" asked Damian."I just find it unusual that you suddenly became ambitious again," Atlantis admitted."You don't want me to be ambitious?""Of course I do. Whatever your current reason is, go for it. I will help you organize the process." Atlantis placed the coffee cup on the garden table.Atlantis l
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Chapter 5: The Divorce
Without uttering a single word, Camille delivered a resounding slap to Damian's face, her anger boiling over. The source of her frustration? Damian had shamelessly claimed to be her husband in front of her coworkers, and Marcel's presence made the humiliation all the worse."Do you not remember my current position at the office?" Camille snapped, her voice dripping with contempt."I am a finance manager. Did you purposefully come to the office to embarrass me? I explicitly told you to avoid such behavior. Are you deaf?"Reflexively, Damian held his stinging cheek, the force of Camille's slap reverberating.His jaw dropped, eyes wide with disbelief. "Did you truly just slap me?""Do you want me to do it again?" Camille raised her hand, poised to repeat the act."You are the first person who has dared to touch me."Camille let out a bitter laugh, mockery lacing her words. "Should I be proud?""After witnessing this riveting spectacle, you can decide if pride is warranted."Damian played
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Chapter 6: The Pub
Davina arrived at the famous pub in town with her driver to pick up her coworker, who was hungover. "Do I owe Irene for providing me with an excuse to leave Camille's lackluster divorce party?" Davina mused, contemplating the questionable celebration. Spotting Irene unconscious on the sofa, Davina enlisted the help of her driver to carry her. As Davina gathered Irene's belongings, she caught sight of a familiar figure sitting alone. "Damian?" Davina squinted her eyes, making sure she had correctly identified the identity. Handing Irene's bag to her driver, Davina instructed, "Please take Irene back to her house. I'll take a taxi home. There's someone here I need to speak to." "Yes, Miss." "Thank you for your assistance." With Irene and the driver out of the pub, Davina hurried towards Damian, who had been sitting on the same chair for over an hour. "Damian? Damian!" Damian turned towards the voice, startled by Davina's furious expression. "Damian! What are you doing? Plannin
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Chapter 7: Three Stages
"Was I truly so naïve in those days? Even now, I struggle to comprehend how I could have once loved Camille. Perhaps I was deluded," Damian mused, his thoughts drifting back to a time of lost innocence. In the beginning, Damian's suspicions festered, convinced Camille was unfaithful due to his shortcomings as a man and husband. However, as the truth unfolded, it became painfully clear that Camille had never harbored genuine feelings for Damian. She had played with his emotions from the very start. Since their divorce, Damian's life had revolved around the confines of the opulent mansion, dedicated to immersing himself in the study of the company. WW Technology, a colossal enterprise valued at a staggering 100 billion dollars, demanded his utmost attention and caution as he prepared to face the challenges that lay before him. A soft knock echoed through Damian's workroom, followed by the graceful entrance of Atlantis. With a proud gleam, Atlantis beheld the documents spread before D
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Chapter 8: A Threat
Davina had just arrived home after a long day at work. Exhaustion consumed her every muscle and bone as she collapsed onto the couch in her penthouse apartment. "These lawyer duties are draining. I'm exhausted," she said, feeling overwhelmed. Attempting to rest her eyes briefly before preparing dinner, Davina's plans were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Hopefully, someone has important business with me," she mused aloud. Davina opened the door to find Marcel dressed formally, indicating that he had come straight from work. Without saying a word, she ushered him into the penthouse apartment. Marcel surprised her as she poured water into a glass, embracing her from behind. "We've been engaged for two years. Isn't it time we set a wedding date?" he asked, refusing to release his hold on her. Davina couldn't help but express her disbelief. "Do you truly want to marry me?" Marcel gently kissed her neck, responding, "Of course I do. You're the best." Turning to face him,
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Chapter 9: Revenge Plan
"Revenge?" Davina inquired with a determined glint in his eyes. "Yes, revenge," Damian affirmed. "You witnessed firsthand the upheaval my marriage caused. I believe you'll comprehend why I seek retribution on both Camille and Marcel." Davina nonchalantly chewed her food, her thoughts focused on the flavors dancing on her palate, rendering her unable to engage in Damian's conversation fully. "I understand your motive regarding Camille, but as far as I know, you and Marcel have no connection," she pondered aloud. Accepting Davina's lack of interest, Damian allowed her to savor her bento dinner in solitude. Observing her enthusiastic consumption, he couldn't bring himself to touch his meal. "Eat slowly, and I’ll never steal your dinner. If you eat in a rush, you might suffer from a stomachache," Damian advised, extending a tissue as he noticed a hint of food residue staining Davina's lips. Davina gently wiped her mouth with the tissue, her tone laced with appreciation. "It's been q
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Chapter 10: The Show
On weekends, Damian would come to the company. Before assuming the CEO role, he had to go through all the company's documents. Damian purposely did this on the weekend to avoid employee disturbances.Today, Damian brought in the top audit team in the country despite the disagreement over the cost with Atlantis. Ultimately, Damian used his savings to cover the expenses not included in the company's annual budget. The audit team will reveal all the corruption data today.As Damian entered the lobby, memories of Camille humiliating him in front of a crowd by pouring food on him resurfaced in his mind."Young Master, let's go," Nick interrupted Damian's thoughts."I'm coming!" Damian followed Nick into the elevator.Damian and Nick worked through the company's files while waiting for the audit team to finish examining the financial data transparently. Damian searched Marcel's office and found a photo of Davina and Marcel together hidden in a drawer."Even after seeing this evidence, I cou
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