Chapter 139 Dramatic Trial

"I swear on my life, cross my heart and hope to die, that I am steadfast and pure of heart," she swore,

"I implore you to take pity on me, have mercy on my soul. There are malicious spirits lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. I earnestly hope that you will judge me not by hearsay, but by my daily conduct and acquit me of this wrongful accusation.”

Empress Guma pleaded with all the sincerity she could muster. her heart was heavy with the weight of false allegations that had been spread like wildfire. She knew that there were nefarious forces at work, pulling the strings and trying to frame her for crimes she hadn't committed.

But she refused to let them win. She prayed that justice would prevail, that the truth would come to light, and that she would be able to clear her name once and for all.

"The royal decree hath accused you of dispatching Jasper Washington to slay the emperor, all so that thy father may seize the throne. If these allegations are proven true, you shall be gui
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