Chapter 140 Empress Guma Died

As Concubine Harper approached the imposing gate of the West Palace, she was accosted by a rugged-looking man who seemed to have sprung from nowhere.

"Who goes there?" she demanded, readying herself for any trouble.

But the man, none other than Tolly in the disguise of Cloud River, seemed unperturbed by her hostility.

"Lead me to Empress Guma, I’m her friend. " he said urgently, "I gave her a gift a few days ago- White Feather. But it appears that it’s been burned away. Something horrible must have happened to her. I fear the worst."

“You’re right,” said Concubine Harper in surprise, “Come with me. I hope you can help her out.”

As they rushed to the scene, they found Empress Guma lying on the ground, her once-vibrant clothes now soaked in crimson blood. Cloud River let out a mournful cry.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I should have come sooner," he wailed.

But Empress Guma, still clinging to life, managed a faint smile.

"Don't blame yourself, Mr. Cloud River. It's all my fault. I shoul
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