Proto Lord

Alexei stumbled through the back doors of the tavern. As he closed the door he glanced at the outdoors one last time to see if he had been followed by the thing he had been fighting.

Fortunately, the outside was empty.

He shut the door and leaned on it for a moment to catch his breath.

Alexei allowed his enchantments to fade. He’d never fought anything like that before, and he never wanted to fight anything like that again. Unfortunately for him, the universe rarely cared about his wishes and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he came face to face with the horror of the night once more.

He considered telling Risa about what he’d seen, but the whole reason he’d told Risa and Neave to share a room in the first place was so that he didn’t wake the young beastkin girl up.

It’d wait til the morning.

He sighed, walked into his room, got undressed and slipped into bed.

The mattress was hard and lumpy, not like what he was used to at either the Trout’s Gills nor the Mage
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