Chp 9 - Party With The Unclan

“A pretentious Asshole” Aaron snorted at Damianus' question.

“Aaron” Michael called in a warning.

“I am sorry, my leader” Aaron said in apology and he turned away to look out the window. One could see that the mere mention of the Unclan angered him and Damianus wondered why that was the case.

“Aaron here is a stickler for rules, as I am sure you must have noticed,” Michael said to Damianus with a smile “And the Unclan is the opposite of that” he explained.

“Oh?” Damianus said with a smile as he leaned back in his chair to listen. 

“That term is what we use generally for a group of vampires that had chosen not to live the conservative lowkey life. They are everywhere in Santa Eyre and all over the world now. They engage in politics and make friends freely with humans. Throw lavish parties” 

Michael sighed “All in all, they found it inelegant and out-of-character that we would choose to live in seclusion like this” he smiled slightly “One even said to my face that I was a coward for suggesting that he shouldn’t feed randomly on humans”

“Really? I am sure he realised the folly of speaking thus to you, didn’t he?” Damianus asked with a smile.

Michael smiled back with a reminiscent look in his eyes “I am sure he would think twice before saying such a thing to anyone ever again”

“Good,” Damianus said with satisfaction. “Now about this party…”

“Yes, he just formed a kind of cooperation with a human tycoon. The human of course does not know who he was. Or maybe he does” Michael mused thoughtfully before looking up at Damianus with a sheepish smile “Really, I have stopped trying to understand those people and their way of doing things. Of course, I know all there is to know about them but I mostly give them a wide berth and don’t concern myself much with their activities”

“One shouldn’t even touch them with a mile-long pole” Aaron muttered from where he stood.

Damianus raised his eyebrows as he looked at Aaron’s rigid back. “Okay, I think there is more to Aaron’s dislike of these unclans that goes deeper than concerns about their lifestyle”

“You can say that again,” Jerrard said quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself.

Aaron’s eyes snapped to Jerrard just as Damianus' eyes sparkled with interest “What was it?” he asked.

Jerrard didn’t say anything as he was looking apologetically at Aaron.

“Oh for God’s sake” Sky, answered as he rocked on the balls of his feet “It is not as if it is a capital secret or anything. One of them took Aaron’s girlfriend who prefers the free, unfettered lifestyle they live to ours. No sweat”

“Thank you, Sky,” Michael said sarcastically.

“You are well…aah,” he said when he realised that Michael was being sarcastic. He looked briefly at Aaron’s forbidden look as his bushy eyebrows set together in annoyance. Sky wisely shut his mouth.

Michael shook his head “Suffice to say that few of us have a grudge or the other about them. That brewed no animosity though. They are our people”

“Not mine” Aaron responded instantly then he looked at Michael’s forbidden look “Of course they are our people” he backtracked.

Damianus mused about Aaron’s behaviour and wondered if his attitude might end up being a problem later but then he dismissed that notion. Better to take things one at a time. He would form his opinions of them all in time. Michael inclusive. Though, the little he could see about the New Order clan leader showed him as a stable fellow. He would be a good head to have at his corner when it comes to dealing with what was to come.

“Seemed to me like we have gone off track again,” he said quietly.

“Yes, pardon me, please. The party is holding this evening. The man hosting it is known for throwing one of the most lavish parties here in Santa Eyre. You should attend”

“Gladly” Damianus pictured what the party could be like and he came up short. He remembers the last party he had in the World of Origins though and he knew that it couldn’t be much different. Different worlds or not. Parties were all about people coming together and making merry after all. 

“Good,” Michael said with a clap of his hand. “You will be attending with Mathew”

“Mathew?” Damianus asked at the same time that Jerrard said “He said he did not want to attend”

“Mathew is my twin brother” he answered Damianus “And he will attend. If he knew that it was for the good of the clan”

“I don't understand”

“My brother wants nothing to do with leadership. He doesn’t get involved with Clan business that much. He had rather be in his studio working on his art. Well, the Unclan commissioned art for his human partner and Mathew was the one that did the honours. He invited Michael to this exclusive party but he did not want to go. It is different now though. Mathew would do it because I asked him to”

“I can’t wait to meet him,” Damianus said.

He informed them of his desire to explore the city on his own before the party. After the unification feast, he was introduced to Mathew, who had an uncanny resemblance to his brother. One could see the difference in their personality though. Mathew had nothing of the charisma that his brother had.

Damianus set out on his exploration of the city after being given directions to the venue of the party, in case he came back late so he could just meet Mathew there.

“Oh shoot,” Sky said the moment Damianus left and Mathew had gone back to his studio.

“What?” Bo asked.

“We forgot to tell him they have a dress code,” Sky said as he rushed out to see if he could still catch up with Damianus. No such luck though.

He came back with a shake of his head “He is gone”

“That is nothing to worry about,” Michael said “I will inform Mathew to take another pair of clothing with him. He would simply meet him at the entrance and find a place for him to change”

They all agreed that would be a good idea.

Little did they know. 

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