Chapter 60

Not stopping with the spear that could be avoided, Kong Kong started with a movement from his body, he threw his body high in the air and raised the spear in line with his head with the sharp tip pointing down, where the target was trying to continue to avoid the intention of the incoming spear.

"Hell-crushing spear!" He mumbled.

The spear was released, a powerful swing of the hand was able to throw the weapon at a speed that was quite terrifying, fire burning at the tip. Like an invincible rocket. When the spear fell. The heat can be felt by everyone.

Boom! The fluctuation cracks the formation.

"Terrible power, but dear not my opponent!" The voice came from Bing Sai who was already behind Kong Kong, I don't know when he moved. No one suspected let alone expected the rapid change in conditions.

Wow! Boom! Bing Sai's swinging hand hit his back causing Kong Kong to be thrown hard into the formation crack.

However, the formation ret
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