CHAPTER II ( pt 7 ) ( MORS )

John returns to SFT with a renewed determination to protect the forest and hunt down the gangsters responsible for its destruction. He shares his suspicions and discoveries with his SFT team members, including Allie and Drizz. Together, they strategize and plan their next moves.

The team conducts thorough investigations, collecting evidence and interviewing locals who might have information about the gangsters' activities. John's expertise as a former lumberjack proves invaluable in identifying signs of illegal logging and the locations where the gangsters might be operating.

They delve deeper into their investigation, John and his team uncover a network of criminals involved in various illegal activities, including deforestation, wildlife trafficking, and drug trade. They realize that these gangsters have been exploiting the forest for their illicit operations, causing significant harm to the ecosystem.

Driven by their shared mission to protect the forest and bring th
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