The Rookie of Hyper Diagonal Ivy Team.
In the platform of Hyper-Diagonal Ivy Mist, at the training room, all the players were gathered around the large room, in their own seats, with their own computers, completing their daily quests plus, playing around in the game.

At the center roll, in the middle seat, Captain Zekai was busy at his computer, looking at the list of his team member's names with their status, studying closely.

A name stopped his reading as he went thoroughly into the status. He called out, "Xin-Lan, I need your presence."

Few attentions ran on the name. A boy, sitting in the first roll, left his seat and walked directly towards the Captain's seat. Panicked, anxiety he was sweating as thou he had just taken a shower and with it he gulped his throat, answering,

"Ye..... Yes, sir."

Captain Zekai was busy on the screen without a word. The boy shifted his eyes to the leader's monitor and his heart skipped a beat in fear. The Captain was looking at the status of his character named, "Sword Emerald."

"Is so

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