Chapter 48: War 1

"Go away from here" Makina screamed

The dark smoke turned into a beast with red eyes more like a demon.

"My name is Morris and I'm your protector" The demon voiced as it voice echoed round the room

"Our protector you must be joking" Elena voiced and chuckled

" You got the joke, I am the Demon prince" Morris revealed and faced Makina

" What is your mission here?"Alexa asked with seriousness written on her face

"I came to take my sister and my fated wife to my Kingdom" Morris replied

" Go away from here"Brenda screamed after she felt that he is lying

"What if I don't" He said and raised Brenda up with a finger demonstration

"You are evil" Elena screamed using her powers to bring Brenda down

"You got me" Morris smiled revealing his long tongue

"Why possess the young boy?" Alexa asked with so much power

" Question"He answered and stared at all of them before disappearing

"Oops!, Let's get out of here" Makina said and stood up finding th
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