Did you say...Coldwater?

The magical bureau was a vast building, rumored to be located upon Mount Nowhere; it was restricted to only high level supernaturals in the academy. One could call it a secret magical library which housed various kinds of magical artefacts and some mysterious creatures, all protected by the Dean's powerful barrier spell.

As the Dean trailed down the hallway which was brightly lit up by a warm golden light, he averted his gaze to his diamond sceptre, only to realize that someone was waiting for him in the office.

"Lyra", he sighed before poofing away.

On arriving at his office, his gaze met with the headmistress who seemed captivated by what she saw. He watched her gaze settle upon the room's freshly waxed wooden walls; the air had a sweet scent which invaded her senses, causing her to feel even more relaxed on the chair where she sat. The rustling sounds which could be heard through the open windows each time the cool breeze brushed dry leaves back and forth, felt really soothing.
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