An icy wind, a fiery desire
He eyed the destruction with a frown marred on his childlike features. The infernal flame made his white hair stand on it’s end. He briefly wondered if this was fate… or if it was merely vengeance.

“What an ugly sight… such vulgar flames shouldn’t be of your interest, Noah.” Nemesis, the Justice Arcana and a sister from the orphanage he grew, spoke with cold indifference. He knew her enough to not be surprised at this.

They both wore their best attires, Noah’s was a bit roughed up, while Nemesis, like always, just seemed gloomy and dark.

“He is, however, the one destined to bring the world I desire to see.” He made a clicking noise, suddenly remembering about the Fool’s last spell. “Still… for him to have dragon blood…”

He shook himself. Plans would need to be made and he would need to make sure that Kay Rosebury would not be his enemy, but for now… he would need to proceed on his actions.

He needed to form an alliance with the emperor in front of him. Their eyes met, one carrying
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