219. The Legend Will Begin Again

"Saka! Saka! Come on, wake up!

Rubbing his hair made Saka start moving his head; it felt so comfortable. Maybe Saka is already in heaven. So thought Saka.

"Hurry up, Hero. Already afternoon!"

Saka tried to open his eyes. It is...


The man called Father ruffled Saka's hair.

"Wake up, it's noon. It's Sunday, but you can't get up late. Hurry up; Daddy will go to work first. The factory is almost open; your mother will scold you later!"

Saka was still confused; he sat down.

The father kissed Saka on the forehead, and he said goodbye to work.

Saka was still sitting in his room. Mesih shook his head; he was still confused. His father was out and heard his motorcycle beeping.

Saka looked at the desk, the calendar on the wall, and the alarm clock. And Sak's eyes looked at the calendar: August 2nd, xxxx.

Why is the old calendar here?

Saka rubbed his eyes and looked in the mirror. and he was shocked not to play. The face! Why cute like that? He is still small. He realized something; al
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