My Levelling Up System

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My Levelling Up System

By: Quill OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 359

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Zachary Grayson is a downtrodden and disgraced man in the face of everyone who knows him but on one faithful night after he had managed to save an unknown woman, his life changes forever. He discovers that he has a power. A system that can propel him to the top of the food chain but that is only if he is able to take down the people who put him at the bottom a long time ago. A nemesis that he didn't even think he had until his eyes were opened by strangers. An enemy that seemed untouchable. Zachary's new life is thrown into one of chaos, betrayal, false love and danger when he chooses the path before him. Secrets that would very well tear down the fabric of the nation threaten to be exposed and all that stands between the world and utter mutiny is him. Will he be able to save the world, or will he fall into the clutched of those who want him dead and buried?

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  • Alora Quinn


    I'll be uploading 4-5 chapters every week due to my busy schedule but if I have extra time then I'll definitely write more. Thanks and enjoy...️

    2024-03-12 07:00:28
  • Alora Quinn


    Hello .... For everyone that's interested in reading this novel, thank you for giving it a chance. It's my first time writing a system book and I really hope you all love it. Please leave comments for me or rates. I would like to know where I can improve in my writing of this genre.

    2024-03-12 06:59:14
Latest Chapter
21 chapters
The workday ended with Zachary finally losing his job at the coffee shop he worked at for the past two weeks. Getting that job was a pain and losing it because he got into a fight with one of the customers for accidentally spilling a cup of hot coffee on his shirt, was a bigger pain. He had tried to apologize but the customer was not having it. Instead, he got a slap from the young man which caused Zachary to lose his cool and react by giving the customer a strong jab. After that, it didn't take long for the manager of the coffee bistro to fire him for insubordination. He looked at his hands and frowned as he walked through the noisy streets of Washington DC. It wasn't like he punched the guy knowingly. It was an unconscious action. “What a way to start the week.” He muttered to himself. As Zachary walked down the street, lost in thought of how he was going to get another job to pay off his debts, ever growing student loans and cover his rent for the month without having to ask his
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"Hey! Assholes! I said leave her alone." The robbers turned back to him, befuddlement but also amusement written on their faces. “Oh, he’s still alive. Ready for another go, wonder boy?” The supposed head of the duo spoke up before leaving his accomplice with the near naked woman and stepping up to Zachary. “So, you think you can still fight me after the beating you just took? Well, it doesn’t matter cause after tonight, you won’t be able to take another one.” The robber smirked as he tossed his dagger from hand to hand. About thirty seconds had passed by before the robber suddenly lunged at Zachary ready to take his head off with that dagger, but Zachary was notably quicker than he was before. He dodged every slash with ease and weaved so well that even the robber was shocked. “You think you’re funny huh?” The man spoke again before rushing towards Zachary, now with evident murder in his eyes. The man tried to strike again but Zachary parried the move by grabbing his hand and
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Zachary had gone back to his highly owed and barely livable apartment to spend the rest of his night after he had managed to put the quiet and possibly traumatized woman in a cab back to her home. It didn’t take long for the next day to come, and the sun rays to filter in through his flimsy curtain, but he had thought on what the woman had said through the remainder of the night so much that he barely had any time to sleep. Zachary got up from his bed and rushed to the door. He didn't bother to shower or eat. He had already prepared hours ago for the former and had nothing to eat for the latter, so he was ready to leave. Zachary rushed through the streets of California opting to have a light jog towards the mansion where the job interview was to take place. After all, who didn't know where the elusive and extravagant Moore's lived. It took a bit more time than he expected before he could see the gold and pearly gates come into view. Once he got closer, his jaws dropped at the sight.
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"My name is Malachi Moore. Let's begin shall we." The man's voice rang out causing everyone in the room to be still and attentive. Malachi Moore. As in Jessica's father? The man who owned a quarter of California and then some? This was the man? Zachary hadn't expected someone tough or of muscular build, but a geeky looking man like himself was hard to picture with the way he had heard people talk about Malachi Morre's skills. The man was a legend when it came to the business world and even Forbes himself had confirmed it. Zachary couldn't believe his eyes. He was in the same room as a Moore. Bloody Malachi Moore to be exact. "The interview is simple. It's a physical one and that means that you will all have to show your tactical knowledge since this is an opening for a bodyguard job." Zachary stared at the man as he addressed them all and briefed them on what was going to go down. Zachary thought to himself while Malachi spoke. If he were to be anyone in the world, it would be t
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Zachary and Malachi walked through the halls with several men trailing behind them after the other applicants had been sent off. "Why and how did I win Mr. Moore, sir?" Malachi turned back and gave his men the go ahead to leave. The men walked away without any hesitation before Malachi spoke. "Let's tone it down on the formality shall we. Call me sir if you ever need to address me and for the sake of you winning today, it didn't just boil down to one thing. You won that fight fair and square. I saw a man being beaten down and scorned upon by everyone in the room even before the interview began. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you don’t look like a threat." Zachary gave his almost recent employer a look. "You can't expect me to have so much money and not be able to afford cameras in a room where strangers would occupy for the first time." Zachary turned away feeling a bit dumb. "They all made fun of you and still you made them see that you were not one to be trifled with. You broke
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The D-day had arrived, and Zachary stood in front of the Moore mansion with a suit on and the keys to the Maybach in his hands. He glanced at the steps of the mansion nervously as this would not only be the first day he attended his college classes looking like a young millionaire, but it would also be the first time that he would be walking in tandem with Jessica Moore. He tried to straighten his suit; courtesy of Malachi, as he heard voices drawing closer and just as he expected, Jessica walked out in a short black skirt, a large blue sweater and boots. Her hair was in a messy bun and her books littered her hands. Zachary smiled. Even when she wasn't trying, she looked beautiful. He stepped up and held the door open for her to enter. "Zach. Is that you?" She asked as she drew closer to the car. "Yeah." "Don't you think the suit is a bit too formal for school?" Jessica asked with a small smirk. "I'm a bodyguard so I assumed..." "You go to West Brook the same as I do, don't you?
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"You bastard." Damien said as he moved closer to Zachary who took several steps back. "Stay away from me." Zachary warned. At that point everyone had basically forgotten about their classes and had stuck around to see what would happen between the men. Damien disregarded the warning and still tried to close the gap between them causing Zachary to raise his fights ready for a fight. He was ready to throw the first punch, if possible, when Damien leaped forward and hugged him. Zachary struggled to get free, thinking of it as an attack when his assailant spoke. "You bastard. You finally show up after all these years. You're lucky you're okay." Zachary paused as Damien peeled himself away with a concerned look. He eyed Damien. "It doesn't seem like he remembers us yet, Damien. He freaked out when I touched him." "You don't know who I am?" Damien asked in a low voice. Zachary shook his head, too rattled by their interaction to speak to any of them. Damien frowned and looked around
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Chapter 8: THE PARTY
A couple weeks had gone by and things had been going well for the most part. Zachary had kept up his own part of the deal and had protected Jessica to the best of his abilities. Luckily for him he only had the stray paparazzi and an occasional fan bordering stalker to seal with on her behalf.During those weeks though, Zachary couldn't shake some thoughts from his mind. Thoughts about those crazy people who had accosted him and told him lies about his so-called leadership and government spy past. Red and Damien. Those were the names of the people who had put his mind in a bind. How could he be a runaway, a fugitive from the america government? His mark. Why about that? And did he really know those people? It didn't make sense. None of it made any sense.His mind raced with possible and more sensible answers when his name was called repeatedly. “Zach. Zach. Zachary Greyson?"His name must have been called a dozen times before he heard it and blinked. He turned around to see a slightl
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"Izaiah. You're here?" Zachary faced the short girl in front of him and frowned when he saw bright red hair. He didn't bother to speak, wanting to get away from her as quickly as possible as he turned. He was finally invited to one of the most exclusive parties on campus and if he was seen with the likes of her then his status would likely fall. Not that he had a status yet, but still. How did she even get invited to this? A hand rested on Zachary's shoulder and pushed him back a bit. Damien, Red's second in command stared him down. "Hey, hold on. You should at least say hello to the lady." Zachary swatted Damien's hand away from him and sneered. "Why are you following me?" Zachary could hear Red scoff as she came into view, in front of Damien. "What makes you think that we are?" She said with a stoic face. "I don't know what exactly you want from me, but I am not interested in it. Leave me the fuck alone." "We aren't here for you Izaiah. We came for the party." Zachary eye
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Chapter 10: ESCAPE
"The rest of you, with me. We have experiments to hunt down."As they all ran around, Zachary in his docile state had several questions running through his mind but one stood out. What the fuck was going on?The crunching of glass reached his ears and the commotion began. Although Zachary knew that there was a fight going on in the same room that he was in, he was in no state to actually see what was going on. He wasn't unconscious by any means but his mind couldn't focus long enough to realize what was going on and who was fighting. All he could feel were the cold handcuffs circling his wrists and tightening causing him to wince a bit. As the commotion continued and the fight went on, Zachary could feel his body being lifted off the ground by the people that Jessica had told to restrain him. He was carried by his arms and led away from the fight. He was being taken away to where he was sure something horrible was going to happen to him. Jessica had called them experiments. Did that m
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