Chapter 110 He is the guardian...!

Author's point of view...

{Binding Completed}

A notification boomed in Aryan's mind and he finally found himself attached to the world again. Until then, he was in a complete mess. Despite those massive attacks, that chaos, all he could hear was the humming sound of the crystals rotating around his soul in his defining space.

The moment the binding was completed, in an instant a strong surge of energy gushed through his veins like the warm blood traveling all through him.

He felt as if his body was bulging but it was just his feeling. In reality, the force in him was increasing every second.

The seven-colored crystal mark on his arm sparkled and was also gradually becoming larger as if its strength was also continuously increasing at the same time.

Soon the crystal's light covered his whole body and Aryan was raised in the air by it.

However, at that moment, the crowd didn't pay any attention to what was happening behind them. Instead, they looked up into the sky and saw the most
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