Chapter 85: Sovereign Realm Cultivators

Southern Kingdom

The people within the Cultivation city of the Southern Kingdom didn't hesitate to evacuate. Although they weren't allowed to use the transportation formations for security reasons, the borders of all three Kingdoms would be opened if they decided to relocate via merchant routes. They also had the option to retreat to smaller villages and cities within the Southern Kingdom if they wished to stay in the territory.

After making sure everyone left, the two split up to destroy the transportation formations. It didn't take long before Viktoria finished and contacted Aloysius. "Are you done destroying the formations to the North and east?" The Ice Queen used a communication talisman to speak with the Barbarian King.

"Yes, what about on your end?"

"I'm already done so meet me back at the Western entr-"

A large Qi fluctuation caused Viktoria to pause; Her eyes grew wide as her divine sense picked up on something.

"Aloysius, 20 of them, sovereigns..."

"Shit!" Was A
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