Chapter 84: Count's true form

Niyad stared wide eyed at the two figures before him. One was his mother but her current image looked unfamiliar to him, even her aura seemed foreign. The other was technically his master, someone he had grown fond of in a weird way. But he had transformed into a strange beast with a baleful aura of death surrounding him. Count's true form was ten times more terrifying than anything he could have possibly imagined.

It was almost impossible to find a creature of his likeness, what exactly is he? An amalgamation of beasts? A chimera?

Niyad made a mental note of Count's true form, the more details he noted the more his mind felt jumbled. ~The head of a fox, eight eyes, his two centermost tails were snakeheads, shiny fur the color of obsidian. Chains, what beast had chains? ~Just what exactly is he? I was disrespectful to this thing? How am I still alive? GULP~

Once more Niyad's mother pulled on her bow string and aimed. Niyad wanted to stop her but was interrupted by a deep voice pro
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