Chapter 95 - Behind the Throne Room

Throughout the meal, Dilya has striked a conversation with Prince Faelar and Chloe, asking about random things such as where he has been and what kind of event he has done. It’s not because Dilya is curious and worried about Prince Faelar. It’s about gauging and putting up the pieces if she trusts us or makes a mistake where our stories don't collide.

But there’s nothing for us to hide besides me and the conversation Chloe has to do to build an alliance. Besides that, we disclose everything. Much to Dilya’s surprise, she believes it at the end of the day. However, she isn’t happy about it.

As soon as Dilya is finished with her meal, she stands up, lets the servant take her plates, and leaves the room without a single word. But before she leaves the place, Dilya turns around and meets Chloe’s eyes. And then to Prince Faelar.

“After what my brother has explained, I do not apologise for attacking you… since you’ve eaten our food and I believe you can stay for tonight… It’s not like ever
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