Part 9: Aland's Disguise Plan

Bernard did not understand at all and was afraid of what Aland asked. But Bernard seemed to be trying to stay calm.

"You mean, sir?" he asked.

"You're the one who pulled me away from the crowd and took me away immediately." Aland still couldn't calm down every time he talked about the incident.

For Aland, parting with his family in such an inappropriate position was humiliation. Aland hates every thought that he is forced to live in an unknown slum area of ​​London.

None of the Hamilton family's subordinates would take care of him.

This is because everything seems to have been colonized by one leader with a strong political background.

"That ... I had to do it, Mr. Aland. Boss Raymond asked me," Bernard replied with an uncomfortable face.

In front of Bernard, Aland just stared silently. As if wanting an explanatory answer from Bernard.

"Boss Raymond forced me to take the safe and you away. It happened so fast, I just obeyed his urgent orders, then I don't know how Boss Raymond is." Bernard ended his explanation through a flustered tone.

As he listened, Alan knew that the circumstances of the incident were also confusing to Bernard. Aland couldn't completely blame Bernard for something that was against his will.

Aland just smiled a little while nodding briefly. "Then what are we going to do?" he asked. "I want to know what these men are here for."

Bernard glanced at the other six men for a moment. From the look on his face, he seemed to think what to say to Aland. There was doubt as well as discomfort implied by Bernard's facial expression at that moment.

“They are all left over from everyone who worked under the Hamilton Family,” Bernard began to explain.

The atmosphere of the room became silent. Bernard then walked to the left, then removed the white cloth covering the blackboard. The chalkboard displayed various outlines of lines, and at each end of the line indicated photographs of different people.

Aland who was standing near the blackboard then frowned. He didn't say anything while paying attention and at the same time questioning who the people in the photos were.

Meanwhile, Bernard was already facing Aland—who was also facing all the men in the headquarters room.

“Everyone on this map are people with impenetrable defenses. They are all affiliated with the Daneltha Family and connected to the company Royal Dantech…”

Then Bernard pointed at a photo of someone at the very top of the row using a long ruler.

"He, the owner of the Royal Dantech company, has seized the investors of the Hamilton Family company. They indirectly acquired the assets owned by the Hamilton Family, and used them as a weapon to strengthen their defense..."

Aland watched Bernard who looked like he had to pause each of his explanations. There was hidden anger that Bernard was trying to hide.

"They all know the ins and outs of the Hamilton Family, including the people who work under Hamilton. However, there's a possibility they don't recognize the face of someone like me because there's been a change....

"Unfortunately, I still can't 'sneak in' into Daneltha's family due to the age factor. They won't be easily tricked."

"Then what is your plan that makes me have to be with all of you here?" Aland spoke in response.

"Boss Raymond once left something, I'll give it to you."

Aland saw Bernard walk towards the waist-deep shelf. Bernard took something from the shelf, a long brown envelope, then gave it to Aland.

"Here, Master Aland."

"Letter?" guessed Alan.

Bernard shook his head. He only smiled faintly, only gesturing facial expressions for Aland to open.

Finally Aland opened with passionate curiosity. But the movement remains relaxed and not in a hurry.

Once open, then you can see the contents of the paper that is still folded. Aland unfolded the paper and skimmed the top sentence. Written in bold as the title:


Alan felt uncomfortable. For a moment he read all the lines under the title. Until finally Aland fixated on the explanation of the statement: The Hamilton Family is without a sense of being forced to hand over the company's assets to the Daneltha Family if it loses in the competition.

"The signing of the contract agreement took place five days before the big attack incident fifteen years ago," said Bernard, explaining to Aland.

There was nothing Alan could say.

Really, he did not understand what was really going on behind the scenes. He had no idea Raymond was hiding how many things he had been through.

"Why did dad sign a contract agreement like this?" asked Aland, actually aimed at himself.

However, Barvel and Bernard who heard it immediately became silent. They both looked at each other in confusion. The position they found themselves in now simply elicited no answers.

"We don't know, Mr. Aland. But the agreement became suspicious because it was close to the party attack incident," Bernard answered. "And, after the incident of the attack, one week later the company Royal Dantech suddenly acquired quite a large amount of assets from the Hamilton Family company."

Bernard's explanation slowly formed a line of connected threads in Aland's mind. While paying attention to the contract agreement paper in his hand, Aland no longer thought about why his father was doing this, but...

"Did indirectly, the Royal Dantech Company planned this?"

The atmosphere became silent and an atmosphere of tension suddenly rose. Aland's sharp eyes, which were originally looking at the contract agreement papers, now turned to Barvel and Bernard. Hints he needs an explanation.

"I ... don't know, Mr. Aland," answered Bernard. "But, we thought the same thing."

Aland could barely say anything due to being dumbfounded. With a confused expression, Alan immediately snapped his fingers.

"So, the news about the suspicions of the Daneltha Family trying to usurp the Hamilton Family's position of power, which I've been reading through the newspapers, is true news?" he asked.

As Aland had begun to understand the intent and purpose of his arrival, Bernard smiled with relief. He nodded his head.

"Most likely, yes. We can't ignore the fact that the Daneltha Family wants the Hamilton Family's position," Bernard replied.

Bernard's explanation made Aland limp instantly. Suddenly, guilt gripped his heart. All this time, Raymond—the father, had been desperately trying to survive against the strong competition from the Daneltha Family company?

"What should I do now?" Alan's tone changed. Low, but implying anger.

Bernard was silent for a moment. Behind his cylindrical glasses, he looked at Aland with pity. Suddenly hesitated.

"Actually... only Mr. Aland could be someone who snuck into Daneltha's family life."

Aland raised his face that had been downcast. At that time, his mouth was already growling indicating anger.

"How to?"

Then Barvel handed the tablet to Aland.

"Tomorrow night there will be their latest technology conference. All parties who have a golden ticket can enter and enjoy dinner there."

Aland watched the tablet showing the conference event invitation.


"Mr. Aland can come there to understand the situation, but don't be the real Mr. Aland."

"I have to do a disguise?"

"I'd better."

Alan smirked. "Isn't that a very easy thing?"

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