Chapter 145: Separated By Trials

“You just had to jinx it?”

Raven rolled her eyes in response.

The orb glowed and the rubble spread across the hall was drawn to it. One piece after the other, they mashed together and barely a moment later, a statue had formed.

This statue looked the same as the ones they fought before, save for a few important differences.

One, this new statue was massive, at least three times as tall. Two, the statue now had a weapon – A halberd which it swung around. Three, most importantly, it had lines running all over its body.

Looking close enough these lines were runes just like the ones Aiden and the rest had, but these were very close to being complete, easily dwarfing the ones they had.

Their expressions turned grave as the glowing eyes of the massive statue locked onto them.

It was a golem, and it wasted no time. With a roar that sounded like thunder, it wielded its halberd and charged at them.

There was no running from it, because, a sweep of its halberd made the hall feel claustrophobi
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