That shirtless man began to approach Andrew and after realizing that everyone, there was unable to stop him, either due to lack of conscience or visible fear, he reduced the fire in himself until it stopped illuminating that dark night.

“Cough! Cough!” Andrew was coughing, still tied up against the wall. The drinking had long since passed, but he thought he was seeing things.

“Hey Boss, why didn't you wait for me at the airport? I was scared when I found out that you were kidnapped. What a mess."

The man speaking to Andrew had a slight Latin accent. He lifted him, and after tearing the ropes that bound Andrew with his bare hands, he helped him to shake himself. It was full of dust.

“But who are you?”

“I am the person responsible for you in this country, Boss. You can call me Hernand"

Hernand left that place, and Andrew followed. A helicopter came down from the sky that night and picked up fur.

“You really jumped out of the helicopter, Hernand. You're crazy. “ The pilot looked at the s
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