Chapter Forty-One: Outside world (part twelve)

"Suzie, no!" Lady Sabrina shouted, her voice filled with alarm as she witnessed the spikes erupting from the ground.

But it was too late to stop Suzie's unleashed power.

Silver's eyes widened in surprise as he swiftly assessed the situation. With remarkable agility, he leaped high into the air, avoiding the spikes that shot toward him.

The spikes punctured the ground, causing debris to scatter in all directions. The force of Suzie's power was evident as the ground trembled beneath them.

Lady Sabrina rushed towards Suzie, her concern for her well-being evident. "Suzie, what have you done? You need to control your powers!"

Suzie stood there, her eyes wide with shock and fear. She hadn't expected such a powerful and uncontrolled display of her abilities.

She tried to regain her composure, her hands trembling at her sides.

Silver landed gracefully back on the ground, his eyes fixed on Suzie. He approached her cautiously, his tone laced with a mix of concern and determination. "Suzie, li
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