Senior Year

Senior year started and everyone went back to school. Miss Vivian apologized to Jinhoo and everything went back to normal. They were all feeling like high school students once again. Everyone was surprised to see Julia and Do-Yun together. Also, Helen transferred to their school, and Min Soo finally introduced her as his girlfriend. No one was surprised since they already anticipated it.

"You are enjoying the life you are living." A voice suddenly spoke in Jinhoo head. He looked around but nobody was in sight. He also noticed that everyone in the cafeteria seemed to have paused. "Don't be worried, I am the one responsible." The old man that gave him the system and turned back time appeared in front of him.

"Old man." Since the day he regressed, he has never seen the man though he often see his presence.

"Long time no see." The man looked around Jinhoo's friends that are all sitting round the table. "You made good use of your time. You didn't go for revenge, instead you made a better l
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