Files Gone

Throughout the entire night, Cecilia did not speak to Cole and his entire attention was on the files he working on.

As soon as he was done with them, even though his mind kept telling him that something was amiss, he disregarded it and slept off.

The next morning, his phone’s alarm sounded and his eyes flew open. He sat up and said a word of prayer before taking his bath and doing the usual.

As he was done with dressing, he went to the place he had hidden the black card. He cleaned it before placing it in his pockets. He packed the files into a nice protective bag.

He exited the room and met Cecilia, this time she was not dressed in her extravagant gown. She just wore a less casual gown and turned around to meet his gaze.

She did not question him as he picked an apple. He cannot to wait to eat in the house because he has places he was going to go so he munched on the apple and walked out before Emma’s ranting ass will come after him.

He walked to a point where he signaled to a cab and
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