His Will Is Done

Cole glanced around the place with his eyes still wide in confusion. As if on cue, the sound of the elevator stopping was heard and Justin’s looming presence made them all still but Marcus decided to use that time to have Cole thrown out.

He thought this was a perfect time so he ordered the security men. “What are you waiting for? Drag him out!”

The security men took Cole by his collar and the other held his two hands before they dragged him out. Cole quickly recovered from his shock and did not try to struggle against them since he knew that he was going to meet Justin on their way out.

They bumped into Justin who was busy checking his phone for any messages from Cole since he knew he would be coming to get the job.

He halted to a stop when he saw the way they were dragging Cole out. The security men stopped and gave Justin a curt bow and proceeded to walk by him when Justin raised his hand, stopping them.

“And why are you dragging my guest out of the office?” His voice boomed and C
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