Chapter 8 (part 4)

Nodding at her request, he held the shears and bag before leaving out to a neighbors garden.

On the second floor, Lena held plastic containers of small kinds of snacks and stew she’s made a few days before in one arm, included in this carryover was a one-burner electronic stove that Lena plans to use for preheating some of the food they’ve scrounged. Both she and Perri had headed upstairs to fix the items in the mini-fridge. The generator still had juice in it after being closed for the night and opened again this morning to supply enough electricity for the stove.

Lena fussed about the quality of food they still have left, even preparing the appropriate breakfast for four persons despite her hesitation to get from their stash due to future lack of supplies. Making the room filled with all kinds of smells from the thing she was heating up.

During this time, Lena had learned that the signal for the internet seemed to have c

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