CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT : Ashqtorak... get to meet Again…

Ashqtorak was been revived with Galz magic. He was feeling dizzy and lightheaded from fatigue and pains. Galz gave him a potion that helped ease the pains and aches.Minea was the first that spoke to him.

"Brother. How was it that this outcast were able to get you" she asked.

"I and my warriors besiege Tiryudega and attacked the city defense. We were thinking we could be to overhaul the entire outskirts but rather little did we know that the orcs were expecting us" he sighed. Feeling disappointed on himself." I didn't know that Heragon has lay plans to counterattack. Seems like he knows we were coming"

"Dark magic"Galz said.

"What?" The elven king looked at him weakly.

"Heragon was able to know about the war ships, the elven Archers everything about your plans to take over Tiryudega and Rogmar".

Demion was silent. He always looking at his brother and all the trouble he must go through. He knew he was suppose to be in battle with him, side by side against the orcs in Tiryudega but stil
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