Shao Wen's eyes widened as he heard what Zhao Yao had said. Hearing that it was about the gate of heaven, Shao Wen drew closer near to Zhao Yao and glanced around to make sure no one was around.

“Gate of heaven? Did you just say the gate of heaven? How is that possible? You don't think that Brother Song has something to do with this, do you? I can sincerely vouch for him. He would never do such a thing.” Shao Wen said immediately trying to convince Zhao Yao.

Shaking her head, Zhao Yao sipped her tea before glancing at her cup as she dropped it down. She already knew that Song Huo wasn't behind it.

“I know that he isn't the one behind it. You don't need to convince me otherwise.” Zhao Yao said.

“Are you really not going to return back to Chu with me?” Shao Wen asked.

Zhao Yao looked at Shao Wen and sighed not knowing if she was doing the right thing. At this moment, she knew it was better to reason with her head rather than her heart yet, she couldn't find herself doing it at al
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