Chapter 309: The Room of the Bishop

Kairo was annoyed.

He was confused about how Flay found a way to open the secret door when even he couldn’t!

“Master… how did you know that using a sword and sticking it there would work?”

“It was using darkness. I could see the parts where darkness was most weakest. Since it was a mouth, I just have to make it shout, right? I stabbed it, injected the darkness to counter it, and it opened up.” Flay chuckled.

“I… can’t believe that worked! How did you know where to hit?”

“I just guessed. It felt right…”

Kairo sighed. It was the same old answers his masters tend to give. These moments defied logic as they were the blessed ones.

Estelle was startled and shouted as they fell down the strange throat of the beast.

As they were moving down the throat, the throat began to squeeze and catch them, and a door below them opened, and they finally fell into a dark dungeon.

Estelle was still confused at their landing and had fallen off Stryder.

But when she regained her focus…


Flay quickly at
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