Meeting the Saint

The slayer, plagued by the incessant arguments of his wolf companion, embarked on the path towards the towering mountain. As per the voice's instructions, he believed that all the answers he sought awaited him there. Moreover, he had been informed that the woman he would encounter held the key to his home. With this realization, a surge of urgency propelled him forward. He desired to meet her as expeditiously as possible, for remaining in this realm was no longer his wish. Such was his mindset.

However, the enigma that confounded him was the reason behind King Zane and Heldah's determination to eliminate the woman. What could she possibly be on the brink of accomplishing that they were so vehemently opposed to? Nonetheless, he deemed it unnecessary to rack his brains any further in search of the answers. Perhaps the woman would divulge everything once they were united at the mountain's summit.

"We are uncertain of the identity of our imminent encounter." "It could potentially be another trap cunningly orchestrated against us," his wolf fretted, reminding him of the prior ordeal they experienced while engaging the water monster.

"Personally, I disagree." "The voice appeared genuine in its intentions," he retorted, eliciting a scoff from his wolf, who then muttered, "You cautioned against placing trust solely on appearances," serving as a reminder.

"Indeed, I imparted such counsel, but it matters not." "We have to proceed. Although we have not been apprised regarding the presence of an individual at the mountain, I deem it plausible that we might encounter the figure who haunts my dreams. 'Tis uncertain." He responded as he tied the sheathed sword to his waist belt. Reluctant as he was to bear its weight, he deemed it necessary as a precaution. His preternatural intuition enabled him to sense impending malevolence seeking to entwine with him.

The arduous journey to the mountain unfolded in silence. His wolf remained uncharacteristically quiet, only uttering a word when they reached the frigid woods and found themselves assaulted by a lizard monster.

"Let us retreat to our cave." "I am fatigued and famished," his wolf whimpered.

"Fret not, for sustenance shall cross our path." "And how could you be tired? 'Tis I who bears the burden of carrying you within my being," he snapped back, pausing to catch his breath.

"We are bereft of knowledge concerning the mountain's whereabouts." "Would it not be prudent to return to our cave, rest, and resume our quest for that hidden kingdom tomorrow? Perhaps the voice shall guide us to the woman." The wolf persisted with its suggestion.

"I am aware of the mountain's location." "It stands as the solitary peak brooding between a forest, concealing an extensive and mysterious history."

Infirm to me the alternative path he disclosed, brimming with jagged terrain and abundantly adorned with thorny shrubs. As he navigated through this intricate passage, he had to exercise caution. Never before had he encountered such treacherously slippery rocks, impeding his tranquil progress forward. The trail led to an elevated destination, and he was aware that once he completed this convoluted route, he would find himself situated at the base of the mountain. Though he had passed by this immense structure previously during a monstrous pursuit, ascending it had never crossed his mind. Initially, he perceived it as a mere crease crafted by the inhabitants living on the opposing side, endeavoring to safeguard themselves from looming monsters. However, he had now come to the realization that it is, indeed, an authentic mountain.


Numerous arrows whizzed past him. Swiftly pivoting, he unsheathed his sword, narrowly evading yet another arrow, which sailed perilously close to his left ear. "I warned you that this venture was ill-advised," his wolf opportunely interjected, confirming his suspicions.

"Silence yourself and contemplate," he retorted, darting towards a colossal fallen boulder not far from his original position. The arrows continued their relentless trajectory, whistling through the air. Concealed behind the rock, he sought refuge for a moment, emerging cautiously when the flurry of arrows ceased. With hands clasped over his head, he declared, "I have arrived with the intention of ascending the mountain, not to inflict harm upon anyone." while pointing towards the towering peak before them, he was fortunate that the arrows ceased, yet he found himself ensnared by an alternate predicament. The trees encircling him appeared as though they were fracturing; their branches writhed towards him akin to the serpent-like monster he had vanquished not long ago, coiling their limbs around him.

"I genuinely harbor no intentions of causing harm," he bellowed once again, in hopes that whomever had entrapped him would hear. After enduring a lengthy and uncomfortable silence, punctuated by his desperate sighs, a young girl dressed in a leaf-green skirt and crop-top, both fashioned from foliage, leapt from one of the trees. Snapping her fingers twice in the air, the twisted branches relinquished their hold on him, retracting and returning to their respective trees, as if the entrapment had never transpired.

"Accompany me," the girl, adorned with emerald green eyes, dusky complexion, and a shaven head, requested of him.

Unquestioningly, he retrieved his sword from the ground and trailed after the girl, who guided him to the opposite side of the mountain. With astonishing celerity, the girl moved ahead, seemingly concealing a pair of concealed wings beneath her legs. Just as if she had read his mind, she directed him to a small stream nearby, where they wordlessly settled and absorbed the symphony of avian melodies and the mellifluous flow of water caressing the stones.

"It's time to proceed!" he was informed as he dozed on the sleek, damp grass, succumbing to a momentary slumber. Without protest, he rose to his feet and recommenced the journey at her behest. The apples he had plucked from a nearby tree had decidedly revitalized his mostly depleted vigor, not to mention the bottle of honey bestowed upon him by the enigmatic girl. It served as an additional source of rejuvenation. This time, they did not traverse great distances before the mountain loomed into closer proximity. The slayer pondered, contemplating who would unravel the enigma of his queries once he ascended it.

Would the mountain converse with him or would he chance upon a dweller within? The thought caused him to gasp, recalling something pertinent. King Zane had intimated that the mountain housed a human, hence signifying one thing: he had to scour for a door of sorts that could potentially grant ingress into the mountain.

"Do you have any inkling as to how I can gain entry?" he inquired, swiveling towards the girl, only to discover, to his astonishment, that she had vanished.

"Very well, it appears that I must navigate the path by myself," he whispered, surveying the mountain. He discerned a semblance of steps leading to its apex. Without hesitation, he sheathed his sword and ascended the lowermost steps, gripping the higher ones with his hands, and leaping to reach the stairs that lay overhead. Employing the same method, he found himself atop the mountain after approximately thirty minutes.

"Phew!" he exclaimed in relief, dabbing the perspiration from his face with the back of his hand. "Finally, we have arrived, but where do I proceed?" he contemplated internally, taking in the surroundings. He surmised that he might encounter a door at the summit, connected to steps that would facilitate entry into the mountain. However, to his dismay, there was naught to be found except verdant blades of grass, dense shrubbery, and clusters of bushes—nothing more.

Upon witnessing what appeared to be a boiling swamp positioned at the center of the mountain, he narrowed his thick, black eyebrows in contemplation. A surge of anticipation propelled him to approach it hastily, causing his heart to pound ardently and his lips to curl upwards into a triumphant smirk. "At last!" he exclaimed, exhaling deeply as he took the final stride towards his destination.

Within his thoughts, he had surmised that he would need to submerge himself into the swamp, serving as a gateway to transport him within the depths of the mountain. However, his jaw dropped in astonishment when he discovered that it was not a swamp at all. Instead, it was a result of evaporation caused by the sun, creating an optical illusion that deceived his eyes. He extended his palms towards the site, yearning to absorb the warmth emanating from the evaporation. Although the sun above held no scorching effect, the chill caused his teeth to chatter uncontrollably whilst his hands disappeared beneath the evaporative mist.

"It's a portal!" his inner wolf exclaimed with unrestrained excitement.

Without hesitation, he positioned himself at the designated location and with the blink of an eye, he found himself standing within the confines of a dark cave.

"Greetings!" he called out, scanning his surroundings. "Is there anyone present?" Inquisitiveness pervaded his being, causing his heart to pound within his chest, as if threatening to rupture his ribcage.

"Greetings!" he called out once more, receiving no response. Due to the pervasive darkness that obscured his vision, preventing him from discerning a sense of direction, he closed his eyes, focusing intently on summoning the light for the final time. A gasp escaped his lips, followed by chuckles, when a radiant orange orb of light permeated the cave, revealing his immediate surroundings. The cave was exquisitely arranged, akin to a homely abode. His attention was drawn to a frail-looking woman with gray eyes, creased skin, and silver strands of hair seated at the corner of the compact cave, cradling a book in her hands. "How is she able to read in such darkness?" his inner wolf queried, though he chose to disregard the inquiry.

"You are tardy, Alexander Samthon!" the woman's raspy voice resounded. "Why?" she demanded, her tone carrying a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.

"Is it Alexander Samthon?" he inquired. Alexander, was that the name he had deceived Heldah with and where did that Samthon come from?

"Indeed, child, that is your given name." You are late. "You were supposed to arrive the day you stumbled upon those mountains, but now I am so terrified that I cannot disclose anything to you, my child," stated the lady.

"Why?" "What do you mean?" "Why can't you assist me?" he asked, bewildered.

"You are late." "I am seconds away from confronting death, thus you must seek a way back to your companion's abode on your own since I am your key but no longer holds any usefulness." he was informed.

"My companion? Home? "Where is my home?" he questioned, hastening towards the dying woman, whose eyes were already shut.

"Up the mountain on the eastern side of the city, my child."

"Which mountain? There are several of them. Which mountain?" he vigorously shook her.

"Discover your path, Alpha Alexander Samthon. Return home. Your people are longing for your presence," the woman fell silent.

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