I’d slept well and woke up slowly, my muscles feeling like

they were made of rubber. I sat up and grimaced at the twinges. Slightly sore rubber, then.

I didn’t need to look over to see that I was alone in bed, and while that disappointed me, I couldn’t deny the bit of relief I felt at not having to explain Eoin’s presence to my parents. Things between us were still new enough that I wasn’t sure how I would’ve handled that exactly.

Mom, Dad, this Eoin McCrae. He rescued me in Iran and then took my virginity before yelling at me for being stupid. But it’s okay because we had sex again, and then he went to Iraq to save more people. We went on our first date last night, and he slept over. What’s for breakfast?

I rubbed my forehead. What had I been thinking? I didn’t regret the date, or really, the sex afterward. What I did have to question, however, was the wisdom of bringing him here for sex rather than asking him to take me back to his hot
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