Chapter 98

"I'm afraid it is man.." Alex said, pointing to the area the location points too..

Richard stared at it intently, "This is obviously close to where my in law stays, it's just some miles away" He said,

"You're married?, you've got some in laws..?" Paul asked, sounding surprised.. "I thought you're some young dude.."

"Eemm….Paul, it's kinda complex.. you really can't understand.." Alex said,

Richard paced around the room seeming worried, his right hand on his forehead as he worried about the secrets before him now.

"Can we really track the origin of this tape, I mean we could get some concrete evidence there… who knows?" Richard asked,

Paul cleared his throat, turning to address the two.. "As it seems now, it's obviously gonna take a while for me to dig deep into the video's source and that might delay your investigation, I guess.. you gotta act fast" He said.

He brought out a cigarette about to light it, not minding the presence of the two. Alex looked at him disdainfully as he pulled
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