Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three

Raina grabbed her keys and fled the house ignoring her father's yells.

She couldn't bear to stay inside with that monster, over her dead body. Her body shivered when she thought of him killing her.

It was possible given that he wanted to pimp her out for his gain.

She had never for once been afraid of her father but tonight made her scared for her life.

Raina was more shocked, she had never thought her father would behave like this, worst is that she blamed Marco.

If he wasn't petty enough to look into her father's business then all this wouldn't be happening.

Hands shaking, Raina fidgeted with her keys and opened the car door, she turned on the ignition and drove away.

Fat tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried, driving slowly so she doesn't lose control.

She brought out her phone to dial Chris, it was going straight to voice mail.

"Please pick up,"

She needed to hear his voice and allow him to comfort her.

"Please," She let out a sob as she cried even harder.

She managed to driv
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