The Blue Dragon Warrior
The Blue Dragon Warrior
Author: Zhu Phi
Black Mist Village

Black Mist Village is a village located at the foot of the Three Fingers Mountains. Its beautiful and cool nature makes anyone feel at home and will never want to leave this village if they have passed or entered it. When it's bright, this village is very soothing to the eye with its people who are friendly welcoming every newcomer who stops by this village without the slightest suspicion.

This mountain is called Three Fingers because according to this story it is the Three Fingers left over from the last Giant who ever lived at his time who was defeated by the Dragon Warrior at that time and was frozen with the strongest style, namely the Soul Freezing Dragon Style.

Long ago, this village lived many very dangerous creatures. Apart from giants as tall as mountains, in this village there also live a herd of beautiful fairies, as well as exotic creatures that have become extinct because they were defeated by one of the martial arts institute at that time who considered these creatures to be dangerous, especially a creature called a dragon.

The road to this village is also not easy because you have to go through a narrow road on the edge of the mountains, if you take one wrong step, you will fall into a bottomless valley. This valley is called Dragon Valley which is always shrouded in red Mist so no one has ever seen the bottom of this valley. It is said that according to the story there are still Dragon guardians who live at the bottom of this valley for hundreds of thousands of years and have not been touched by human hands at all.

Black Mist Village is only one of hundreds of villages scattered in the Kamandaria region led by the Despot King named Wangsaria. According to the story, this king is a descendant of the last dragon that ever lived on Earth Karimun. However, this is only a story that is claimed one-sidedly by the tyrant king whose truth is not yet known. Anyone who doubted his dragon blood would be executed on the spot, so gradually no one doubted him anymore.

It is said that according to the story, the ancestors of the Kamandarians lived side by side with creatures called dragons. According to the story, dragons in this area can change into a human form when it's bright and back into a dragon at night. So the so-called dragon offspring are children born from dragon marriages in the form of humans with normal humans at that time.

Children who are born in the form of humans who are descended from dragons will inherit the knowledge of the Nine Dragons which consists of 9 powerful moves. If he succeeds in learning all of this knowledge, this child will later become the protector and defender of this area, known as the Dragon Warrior.

It is this Dragon Warrior who has the right to claim the throne of Kamandaria to become the sole ruler who will rule over a peaceful Kingdom because as long as the Dragon Child becomes King then the hidden Dragons will not appear except in human form.

But over time this story just became a bedtime story that is often told but the truth has faded. No one knows for sure where the knowledge of the 9 Dragons has disappeared. Some say this knowledge is still stored in a book hidden at the bottom of the Dragon Valley, some claim that this book was burnt during the civil war between dragon humans and normal humans who were no longer willing to coexist with dragons at that time, some even say the book this is kept by the descendants of the king who ruled Kamandaria.

Black mist village itself is the most mysterious village because at night, this area will be covered in black mist. Anyone who still goes out at night is said to be swallowed up by this black mist. So when dusk approaches, all the villagers immediately lock themselves in their respective homes so that this village is like a dead village when night falls.

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