The Crown Heir of the Jensen Family
The Crown Heir of the Jensen Family
Author: Limeberry17
001. The Heir Struggle Has Paid Off

“I had a good news for you, young master. Now you passed the family trial. From now on, you are the qualified heir of Jensen family again.” An old man said to Leon with a warm smile.

“And also, your bank card has been unlocked, now you could use all the money you had!”

"Is it true?" Leon's eyes widened as his hand accidentally hit the table in shock.

He took out his phone with excitement.

“1,000,000,000 dollars has been credited to your bank account!” The message said.

"Oh my god, finally!" Leon tried to control his surprised expression. He breathed a sigh of relief. After years of being expelled by his family, today was like a dream for him.

"Congratulations, Young Master! I'm very proud of you." Mickey shook Leon's hand, congratulating the young man.

"Thanks, Mickey!"

“Don’t forget this, young master, it’s a silver ring for your wife, a symbol of our family.” Mickey passed the box with a ring to Leon. He put it in his pocket and left.

Leon wanted to celebrate this happiness to the whole world, but first of all, with his beloved wife, Claire. Leon loved Claire so much because she accepted him as he was, she didn't even know that Leon was the heir of the wealthy Jensen family.

Arriving home, Leon immediately prepared food for his special dinner with Claire. He sat while waiting for Claire's return.

"I'm waiting for you to return home, My Love. I love you." Leon sent a message to Claire. Now that she was the CEO of her own company, it was normal for Claire to be home late.

He checked his phone and hoped for a reply message from his wife, even though there was no reply. He took a deep breath.

"Maybe Claire's still busy right now, but I'm sure she'll be home soon," he said.

Leon waited until midnight, and finally Claire came home. Claire opened the door and entered the house. Leon who heard Claire's arrival immediately approached his wife.

“Finally, you're home, dear!"

Leon said this while smiling at Claire. He hugged Claire tightly, but she didn't hug him back. She just stared at him with an unreadable gaze. Leon only understood Claire's attitude because maybe his wife was feeling tired.

"Dear, you seem very tired," Leon said while stroking Claire's hair and kissing her forehead. They have been married for 3 years, and Leon's love is still the same for Claire.

Claire looked at Leon while furrowing her brows. "Why aren't you sleeping yet? It's late." she asked.

"I've been waiting for you. I want us to have dinner together," Leon replied.

Claire's gaze shifted towards the dining table. "Dinner together? But I've eaten." said Claire.

"How about you sit down and we can enjoy this dessert together?I want to tell you something." Leon took Claire's hand gently and motioned for his wife to sit down.

"I also want to tell you something," Claire replied with a serious expression. Leon frowned, curious about what Claire would tell him. Leon, who felt it was uneasy to tell Claire about his happy news, finally chose to let Claire speak first.

"Something?" Leon smiled seductively. "I'm sure this is a happy thing too. Tell me first, dear."

Claire nodded slowly, then took out a lot of paper documents from her bag. Leon watched her closely. Maybe Claire wanted to tell him about her company's latest project, Leon thought positively.

"What was that about the company's latest project? I know, Dear, you always do your best, you are amazing!" said Leon, who enthusiastically wanted to see the contents of the papers immediately.

Claire didn't respond to Leon's words, she put the papers on the table. Leon narrowed his eyes at the paper, and immediately his enthusiastic expression disappeared when he saw what it wrote.

" Divorce agreement "

Leon immediately took the paper with trembling hands. His hazel eyes quivered as he stared at the paper he was holding. He read it for a moment and looked at Claire with such surprise. "Claire, what are you doing? You want a divorce with me?" he exclaimed. Claire nodded slowly in response.

"But why, Claire?" Leon felt hard to breathe.

Claire sighed softly. "Three years ago, when we got married, we both had nothing. And now I've succeeded in becoming the CEO of my own company, and you? "

"Claire, but I tried! I'm trying to do my best!" whispered Leon.

Claire smiled a grin. "Do your best?" Her gaze on Leon was so intimidating. She looked very disdainful of her husband. "Leon, I just want a real man, I don't want a gigolo! Being a man who has no ambitions and life achievements is the same as living like a gigolo!"

“I want a real man who could help me solve my business affair, instead of staying at home cooking for me!” Claire said with a disappointing tone.

Leon felt very hurt by Claire's words. The woman seemed to have never considered all of Leon's efforts for her. Leon did whatever it took to help Claire get to her point of success. He sacrificed many things.

Leon tried to keep calm, he just whispered with a trembling voice, "You talk as if I never did anything for you. Three years ago, I was willing to sell my house for a low price and give you all the money so you could open a company, but what are you doing to me now?"

Hearing Leon's words, Claire let out a soft sigh. She didn't say anything and took a check from her bag. It was a check for 1 million dollars. Claire handed the check to Leon.

"Three years ago, you sold your house for 200,000 dollars, and now I'm bringing it back for five times that. Don't worry, you will get back what you gave me!" said Claire.

Leon's heart ached. He stood up angrily and looked at his wife's face, which looked strange, she didn't look like the Claire that Leon knew.

"This is how you think of me? You think I'm here just because I want to make profit from my investment?" Leon felt so disappointed, from the start he just wanted to support his own wife.

Even if compared to his achievement, what Claire achieved was just...nothing.

Claire didn't say anything, but her eyes were full of cold.

"Just tell me Claire, if I were rich, would it change your mind? The one you loved, it was me, or just a random guy who was rich?" Leon asked with a deep tone.

Claire didn't give an answer, she just looked at Leon and said calmly, "Don't be naive, Leon. Just sign it."

Leon took the pen that was on the table, he looked straight in the eye of Claire. She felt so strange, in the past 3 years, she never saw such a sight from Leon’s eyes.

"I will sign these divorce papers!" he smirked, signed his name on that paper.

Seeing Leon finished his signature, Claire should have taken a big relief. But on the contrary, she felt a little bit uncomfortable.

It seems something was running away from her heart.

But soon, Claire calmed down, she asked, "So, you said you had something to tell me, what was that?"

Leon took a deep breath, "Never mind, it's not important now."

Claire didn't care, "Tonight will probably be your last night in this house."

Leon smirked. "Don't worry, I'll be going right now!"

Leon stepped out of there that very second. When the man opened the door, his steps stopped because Claire called out to him.

"Ah, I almost forgot." Leon stepped back to the table, he took a million dollar check from Claire and tore it up.

"Again, I'm not a good businessman, so I don't care the how much money I made in an invest. If I could figure out a person from the invest, it would be the best thing I got."

Leon stood up, opened the door and said with a disappointing tone.

"Wait!" Claire exclaimed.

Leon turned to Claire and saw that she was carrying the ring box he was going to give her. Claire threw the ring to Leon.

"You forgot this!”

Claire took Leon's hand and placed the ring box in Leon's palm. "Don't buy cheap things like this again."

Claire said with an uncaring voice.

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