The Crown Heir of the Jensen Family

4 ratings

The Crown Heir of the Jensen Family

By: Limeberry17 CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 286 views: 35.4K

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For years, Leon Jensen fought hard to regain his rights as heir to the Jensen family. He lives separately from his family and lives a life far from luxurious. One day the butler of the Jensen family told Leon that he had passed the trial from his family and got his rights back as the heir. Leon thought that day would be the end of his suffering. He also planned a special dinner with his wife, Claire. Something unexpected happened, Claire asked Leon to sign the divorce agreement. Leon was very surprised, but agreed. "Leon, I just want a real man, I don't want a gigolo! Being a man who has no ambitions and life achievements is the same as living like a gigolo!" Claire always looked down on Leon because her ex-husband was just a poor and useless man. Until Leon's true identity was exposed and everyone who insulted him regretted it.

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  • Limeberry17


    Hello dear readers! This book will start update again in 5 january. I'm so sorry for this. Thank you ...

    2024-01-04 22:41:08
  • Limeberry17


    I'm so sorry i mean chapter 12 (The Heir's Card).

    2023-08-16 16:51:43
  • Limeberry17


    Dear readers, i've edited chapter 13. If you still unable to see the changes, please try to remove this book first to library, than add again. Thank you.

    2023-08-16 16:50:05
  • Micheaux Sanders


    The usual man treated like trash story. Gets divorced still gets disrespected by ex still wants her type of story

    2023-08-18 12:59:51
Latest Chapter
286 chapters
001. The Heir Struggle Has Paid Off
“I had a good news for you, young master. Now you passed the family trial. From now on, you are the qualified heir of Jensen family again.” An old man said to Leon with a warm smile.“And also, your bank card has been unlocked, now you could use all the money you had!”"Is it true?" Leon's eyes widened as his hand accidentally hit the table in shock.He took out his phone with excitement.“1,000,000,000 dollars has been credited to your bank account!” The message said."Oh my god, finally!" Leon tried to control his surprised expression. He breathed a sigh of relief. After years of being expelled by his family, today was like a dream for him."Congratulations, Young Master! I'm very proud of you." Mickey shook Leon's hand, congratulating the young man."Thanks, Mickey!"“Don’t forget this, young master, it’s a silver ring for your wife, a symbol of our family.” Mickey passed the box with a ring to Leon. He put it in his pocket and left.Leon wanted to celebrate this happiness to the whole world
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002. The Party
Seven years ago, when Leon was 18 years old, he was expelled by his family. They made rules for Leon so that he could win back his rights as the family heir if he passed the trial. Of course, the trial was not easy for Leon. He who was born into a rich family must experience a life full of struggles and far from luxury."You can't come back to this family if you can't live independently!" said William Jensen—Leon’s father, whom Leon always remembered.Leon had no choice but to struggle hard. With his intelligence, Leon managed to establish a company that grew rapidly until it became one of the top 10 companies in the city when he was in college.However, according to the rules of his family, the profit earned from the company Leon founded would be fully given to the family. Leon only received an allowance of hundreds of dollars a month.At the hardest moment in Leon's life, he met Claire Weber. A beautiful and cheerful girl who accepted him as he was. Not long after that, they fell in love
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003. An Useless Man
Claire frowned, she knew why Edward said that, he was just showing off his power. But it was useless, she knew she wouldn’t fell in love with him. Even if he was much richer than Leon. "I'm sure that loser would want to apply to be a waiter!" he replied. Leon turned to Edward. His eyes were so sharp. It looked like Edward wanted to make big trouble with him. "Is that true?" Leon's response made Edward smile with satisfaction. "Of course, I know the host of this party so well. You will definitely be accepted to work as a waiter if I help you," Edward said, folding his hands on his stomach. "Really?" Leon sneered. He followed the flow of Edward's game. Edward showed Leon his invitation. "If you will kneel down and beg me, then I can help you!" Leon's hazel eyes instantly darkened. He knew that Edward was deliberately trying to humiliate him. "How? It's a good opportunity, right? Come on, the party is about to start, and you have to decide soon. Don't worry, I will keep my promise
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004. The Arrogant Woman
"Then why are you just keeping silent while watching that man insult me? You just stood there silently watching Edward talk as he pleased!" Leon said calmly, now he was totally disappointed on Claire.Claire frowned. She folded her arms and said. "Did I hear right? Are you mad at me because I didn't defend you?" Claire said disappointingly, "Leon, if you were a real man, you would definitely be able to stand up for yourself, or you could just accept his offer. Why are you relying on help from a woman?" Claire became increasingly convinced that her decision to divorce Leon was the best decision. The man was nothing more than a loser.Leon just keep silent at Claire's words. He mused. 'I'm not a real man? In fact, I've founded a company that is in the top 10 in the city. If Claire really thinks I'm not a real man just because I don't have any achievements, she's wrong!' He thought.'So Claire hopes that I should accept that arrogant man's offer to become a waiter? I still can't believ
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005. Time to Start the Little Revenge
"Sorry Claire, I must do that..." Leon thought inside. He knew without business with Jensen's family, Claire's company would face a big risk. But now that he divorced her and back to his family, he must made this decision.Business is business.If they were all business of Jensen's, it wouldn't be a problem.But now..."Young Master, so are you going to stop this cooperation?" asked the general manager once more, he wanted to confirm the order."Yes, I'm sure. Please stop cooperating," Leon ordered."Very well, Young Master. As you wish." In a different corner of the ballroom, Claire was partying with some businessmen. She smiled very kindly at them because she knew this could be a good opportunity for her to broaden her company's connections. They took their drinks from the waiter, who walked over with a tray filled with drinking glasses. "Cheers!" Claire toasted with two men, namely Noah Hensen and David Stern. "Mrs. Claire, how are you today? Nice to meet you at the party," sa
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006. A Bad Plan
"Oh my God, I can't believe this." Claire ended the call with trembling hands. What she just heard was like a nightmare for her. The businessmen beside Claire exchanged glances. Those who originally wanted to cooperate with Claire's company were now hesitant."Mrs. Claire, it seems I have business at this time. My business partner is here and wants to discuss something serious with me, I have to go," said Noah."Me too, I have important things to do now," said David.The two men immediately left from there avoiding Claire. They knew that without the cooperation of Jens Creative Enterprise, Claire's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. There would be no benefit from them cooperating with her company.Claire sighed frantically. She was speechless, and she let the two businessmen leave in front of her just like that. She looked at the two of them with a bleary look. In just a few minutes, Claire's happiness turned to sadness."Claire, are you all right?" asked Edward who was still sta
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007. Claire is in Trouble
Mickey prepared to introduce Leon to the party guests. Suddenly, a waiter came to him in a hurry."Sir, there is something important I would like to tell you," said the waiter with a serious expression.Mickey frowned. He averted his eyes from the piece of paper he was reading. "Is there something wrong?" he responded."I saw a man who mixed a powder into Mrs. Claire's drink when she went to the toilet. I'm sure that it was a powdered drug so that Miss Claire could lose consciousness," explained the waiter."It looks like that man is going to do something bad to Mrs. Claire. I will tell Young Master about this." Immediately, Mickey went to meet Leon.Mickey's arrival caught Leon's attention, moreover, the butler's expression looked panicked."Young Master, I'm sorry to bother you. But I want to tell you very important news," Mickey said."What is the matter?""A waiter told me that she saw a man mix drug powder into Mrs. Claire's drink when she went to the toilet. I'm sure that man mu
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008. Distort Facts
Leon set foot in the marble-lined seven-star hotel lobby. Decorative lamp hangers made of gems and hotel wall ornaments made of gold. This hotel belonged to the Jensen family, but after Leon was kicked out and put on probation, the man had not set foot in it in a long time.Unlike the arrival of other members of the Jensen family, Leon's arrival did not make the hotel employee's heart beat in the slightest. They thought that Leon was just an ordinary person."Hopefully he hasn't brought Claire into the room," Leon muttered as he ran. He rushed to the reception desk and saw a man there with Claire, who was unconscious. It was even seen that Edward embraced Claire in his arms.Without hesitation, Leon immediately landed a punch on Edward's face, causing the man to fall to the floor. "How dare you touch her!" he shouted.Claire fell into Leon's arms. The man looked at his ex-wife with concern. He took Claire to sit on the sofa near the reception. "Claire, wake up! Clare!" He gently patte
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009. Claire's Suspicions
Leon's shoulders drooped limply along with his heavy breathing. It was useless for him to explain anything to Claire's parents because they would never believe him.The moment Leon's hand touched the doorknob, Ariana shouted at him. "Leon, how dare you just walk away without any guilt? I will call the police and make you spend your time in prison!"Leon discouraged him from opening the door. He stopped in his tracks and turned to Claire's parents. "I have explained what really happened, but you will never want to believe it because from the start you have hated me," he replied."Because we know a loser like you will never admit a mistake." Ariana took out her phone. "I will call the police now.""No, Ariana! Don’t do it! If you call the police, it will only damage our family's reputation. Remember, Claire has struggled to become a successful businesswoman like she is now. Negative news like this will only destroy our daughter's image." Thomas prevented his wife.Leon chose to leave th
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010. Waiter on Call
The next day, on a cold and calm morning, suddenly Leon's cell phone rings, disrupting his peaceful sleep. Leon's eyes opened slightly, and he glanced at the table beside his bed. Leon sighed."What the hell, what else did Claire want to say? I told her she could call the police if she wanted!" grunted Leon, who was sure that the person calling him was Claire.Leon grabbed his cellphone, and without looking at the screen, he immediately accepted the call."Claire, what is it?""Excuse me, Leon?" The baritone voice immediately made Leon's eyes widen. It wasn't Claire who called him, but the manager of the restaurant where he worked part time."Sir, sorry, I thought you were the other person," Leon explained."Leon, did you just wake up?"Leon nodded slowly even though the person calling him couldn't see his movements directly. "Yes sir.""Don't you remember what day it is today?""Day... oh, Saturday!" Leon rubbed his face roughly. "Yes, today is Saturday." Leon forgot he had to work o
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