060. The eternal flower guardian

The figure with long silver hair up to the length of her calf stood towering with a gaze directed at the figure who was now lying on the gleaming stone in front of her.

Lying helpless with occasional grimaces in pain. The smoke flowing out of his body made the young man sweat shed until his clothes were damp and not left.

The figure of the woman who was with him could only observe his situation without being able to do much for the young man who was in pain.

The hand of the figure wearing the crown of her own horns stretched out her hand making the roots creep out of the heart of the eternal tree. The root slowly propagated and pressed the two men's wrists. Then the ends of the roots of the eternal tree touched the veins of his arm as if flowing something.

The lying figure was none other than Theodoric. His almost unhelpable body was immediately taken over by Queen Shaniell who had been monitoring him in Eternal Ice.

The queen who guarded the eternal flower never once, turned her atte
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