Chapter Five

Chapter Five: The Eight Symbols

Third POV:

As the clock tower's heavy doors creaked open Zach and the other seven members followed Ace through the threshold. Their hearts raced in anticipation not knowing what to expect on the other side of the portal. The room they found themselves in was vast and darkness hung in the air like a heavy cloak. They couldn't believe what they discovered from behind the premises of their school.

Ace stepped forward taking a deep breath before addressing the group. "Welcome my friends to the gateway of the first realm. This is where our journey truly begins. Each of you has been appointed a special symbol inscribed on the floor in front of you. Stand on it and the portal to the first realm will open."

Five of the members that Zach recruited were mesmerized and at the same time fear started to tremble in their core yet Jheall was the one who explained the mechanics of the mission they need to accomplish.

"So which one should I step on?" asked Luna.

"Feel what's in your gut, maybe? I don't know. The shadow didn't explain which is which, right? I guess you have to choose a platform with your best interest at heart." Jheall proposed.

One by one the others took and lock their positions on their symbols as well. Ace glanced at each of them making sure they were ready. "Remember once we step through this portal there is no turning back."

She warned them that "We will face challenges dangers and unknown creatures."

"But together we can conquer anything that lies ahead." said Zach in a cheerful and empowered tone.

"I think I'll stand on the snowflake." Jheall was the first one who dared to take a step and undoubtedly chose the said inscribed platform and a vibration from the ground started to tremble.

Zach's gaze fixed on the intricate design that surrounded his symbol. It resembled an image of a lightning bolt crackling with power and it sent a thrill down his spine. He stepped onto his designated symbol, also feeling a slight vibration beneath his feet as if the ground was slowly awakening.

Next, Lylan took the inscribed platform with a resembled squiggly carved image of a river or a stream. "Well, here goes nothing."

Will chose the platform that resembled the sun. "I guess I'll step on this one."

Charlotte chose the sprout flower one. "Since I like plants, I'll go with this one."

Sheen was about to step on the mountain one, but he asked "Luna, let's switch platforms. I'll go with the Moon one."

Zach in mind had the curiousity why Sheen wanted to switch place with Luna. Luna was also about to step on the crested moon platform but she switched with sheen anyway. For who knows what reason.

All what's left is the cloud one. It more looked like a foggy mist than a simple carved-drawn cloud. Everyone looked at Ace. She hovered anxiously in the background but Zach encouraged her to step on it once and for all so that they can begin their first quest, their first mission; seven students who don't even know each other for that long, will carry on the attempt to help Ace unlift her curse.

"Brace yourselves." said Zach. His voice was steady yet resolute. He extended her arms and the others mirrored his movement as they formed a circle connected by a bond of trust and determination. "Together let us embark on this extraordinary journey, together." he added.

The eight of them closed their eyes, held their hands in unison taking one last deep breath before they stepped into the portal. Even when their eyes are shut, the inscribed platforms that started emitting a bright tint of yellow still made their eyes hurt. A shimmering golden dust portal materialized above their heads. Zach felt a sudden rush of wind and his surroundings blurred as if he was being pulled through a powerful vortex. It hummed with energy beckoning them to enter. Zach could feel the excitement, electrifying the air as if the portal yearned for them to step through. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying but he clung tightly to the belief that they were embarking on a noble mission.

When the group finally landed and opened their eyes, it was almost as if they had been transported to a different world. They found themselves in a vast landscape covered in a thick mist. Strange towering trees loomed in the distance with gnarled branches resembling bony fingers reaching out to the heavens. They came from inside a cave and found out they were on top of the mountain.

Zach's heart pounded in his chest as he took in his surroundings. This was the first realm, the place where they would need to face their first challenge. He exchanged glances with the other members their eyes reflecting both determination and uncertainty.

Suddenly, a familiar voice stepped forward voice filled with a commanding presence. "We have reached our destination. Welcome to Luminara. Your task lies within its depths of the island but you must be aware and cautious. Dark forces roam here waiting to test your mettle. Stay together, trust one another and you will prevail."

"Hey guys, is it just me, or did any one of you heard this voice ringing in my head?" asked Will.

"Was that the shadow entity from before?" Jheall asked a confirmation if her assumption from guessing the voice was right.

"It sounded to me, it just telepathically communicated to us." Ace confirmed.

With those words they set off into the eerie forest their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of fallen leaves beneath their feet. As they ventured deeper into the unknown the air grew heavy with anticipation and their journey in the first realm truly began.

Zach could feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation pulsing through his veins. He glanced at his fellow adventurers their eyes locked in determination. They may have entered this realm as strangers but their bond was growing stronger with every step they took. Together they would face whatever challenges awaited them in the Forest of Shadows and prove themselves worthy of their quest.


First POV:

"So, what is the plan? I don't even know what kind of ancient relic we will be even finding in this vast realm. Sounds impossible to find within just a short amount of time." Lylan spoke first.

"Hey guys, what's with all the symbols anyway? Look. Does anyone of you know what's this for?" Will lifted his shirt and his athletic build of body was revealed. Even if it was not intentional, as if he is flexing his abs and muscles on us. The symbol of the sun was marked on his chest.

I noticed charlotte's face turned red. Charlotte looked at at me the same way with the hint of knowing what we were both thinking but were not just expressed in words but I averted her gaze and on Will and continued to look on everybody else's mark. Same goes with the other members of the team. What's different is that mine was seen on my left shoulder.

Luna's symbol is marked on her right leg.

Charlotte's on her left waist.

Lylan's on his right hand.

Jheall's on her left hand.

Ace's on her cheeks.

When Charlotte landed her eyes on Sheen, she started to repress her laughter. Everyone else started to follow because Sheen's mark was placed on his forehead.

"What?" Sheen wore a digusted face on his expression and his tone of voice doesn't seem pleased.

"You look like from sailor moon, Haha!" Jheall laughed and so as the others.

Sheen wore a disgusted face and rolled his eyes.

"Why does it have to be on my forehead?!" whined Sheen.

"I don't know, ask the platform you chose to step on."

"I still don't quite get why we have these tatoo marks." Asked Lylan.

Suddenly Will sneezed. "Achoo!"

A  blast of flames went out from Will's nose and mouth as he sneezed and instantly vanished.

"Woah! You sneeze fire?! I don't know you could do that!!!!" exclaimed Charlotte.

"Oh, So now I get it! The platforms we stepped on reveals what powers we possess. Mine's a squggly line, more of like a stream or a river, then that means I can control water." Lylan assumed.

Lylan then hypothesized each and every single of the members, assuming what power each one possesses.

"No doubt, Will has the ability to control fire since he has a sun symbol, obviously resembling the fire. And what he just did a while ago's the proof."

"Charlotte has a flower mark, then it means you can control plants."

"Jheall in the other hand can control Ice."

"Zach. Yours is-"

"Lightning! I am the God of Lightning! I'm going to electrocute ya'll and roast you into pieces and... and-" I shrilled with excitement.

Lylan cleared her throat and then continued.

"So, you  Luna, can move rocks without touching it, I think."

"Next is, oh. Ace! Right. Hmmm, I'm not quite sure what's on your cheek."

"It looks like a cloud. A mist or something. It's cute though, you look like having a blush on make up! It kinda suits you." said Charlotte.

"Thanks." said Ace in a plain but warm tone.

"How about me? What do you think my powers are?" asked Sheen.

"Hmmm. Let's see. I can't think of any that resembles a cresent moon."

"Maybe he controls the moon?" guessed Jheall.

"I'm not certain how can someone control the moon." Lylan wasn't satisfied with Jheall's guess.

"As if Will controls the Sun, right? Haha!" Luna suddenly interrupted with a joke.

"Right? Urgh, c'mon guys! You all ain't fun." Luna pouted. No one laughed at her joke. 

"So if Will Controls Fire, then maybe Sheen controls the night? Like, I don't know. stars maybe? The darkness? Ugh. I give up. I can't think of any." said Jheall.

"You know. Sorry to interrupt our conversation lads instead of guessing out our powers, why not try test them? To see and find out for ourselves what we could really do, eh?"  suggested Sheen.

"You're right! Let's get to it then! Shall we? Let's train!" Charlotte agreed.

"But how are we supposed to do that? First of all, we're new to this. We weren't born with natural abilities! We don't even have proper training!" Jheall opposed Charlotte.

"Aaaaack! Fire! Fire! Waaaah!" 

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