The Big Dipper

" I reject the offer." Petrova said just when Cressida brought the sword. She stood back on hearing Petrova. " That sword was meant for the Donovan family, so that your family can keep it safe." He continued. One of the mages came down with the WarLord's Sword and placed it on the table right in front of Stefan. "You may take your father's sword as well. From this moment forward, I hereby banish Stefan Donovan from Pandora." The confusion on everyone's face became intense. Morgan and Trevor were both staring at each other marveled.

"I allowed you to enter freely, as you were the son of an old friend. But you have no right to enter Pandora as a mage. From now on, Stefan Donovan will no longer be given access to anything in Pandora. Hand in the spirit Plague that allows you to enter into this place." Petrova seemed to have shattered all of Stefan's dreams in one instance.

"I do not have it." Stefan tried to get a hold of his emotions.

" What?"

" I lost it. I lost the Spirit Plague." He
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