Eternal Star

"Sister, can you continue on the journey?" Claude asked.

"Um!" Larissa Fox simply nodded in response.

Claude, seeing this, did not say anything further. He walked past the Wild Wolf King, seeing it shake off the snow on its body and stand up, then ordered it: "Wolf, go over there and protect her for a bit, I'll deal with the rest!"

The Wild Wolf King nodded in understanding and then approached Larissa Fox, sitting down obediently beside her. Larissa Fox, without asking further questions, closed her eyes to meditate, aiming to replenish the spiritual energy in her body. Claude watched her, a smile tugging at his lips, before he walked over to the two mages lying frozen on the ground. This time, Claude had learned his lesson well. Without hesitation, he targeted the throats of both with his feathers, ensuring they were deceased before carefully kicking them a few times. After confirming they were no longer moving, Claude felt relieved and began to search their bodies. Although these wer
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