Thunderbolt Fox

Claude, desperate, shouted: "But this place is about to collapse, why stay here? If you don't leave with us, how will you meet Rosalie when she returns?!"

It seemed Claude's words struck a chord with her. She paused, then nodded: "Yes, you're right, I must live! I have to be alive for Rosalie to come back to me!"

Although she was deceiving herself, the hope of living sparked within her.

Seeing her change of heart, Claude looked at Hailey, signaling her. The Fox Clan young ladies also regained their spirits. Despite their heartache, seeing Claude persuade their princess with just a few words brought them silent joy. Hailey approached Larissa Fox, offering her hand to help her up: "Princess, let this servant help you out."

But Larissa Fox waved her hand dismissively and then stood up with the Ice Bow herself: "Do you think I'm that weak? Hmph, I can walk on my own! Everyone, follow me out!"

After regaining her spirit, her aura surged once again, bringing joy to everyone who saw it. Howe
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