Chapter Ninety Nine: It Begins...

Rosaline stared at the ground in front of her where a raised mound of earth was all that remained of one of her longest friends. The pain and grief in her heart was far greater than the ones still wracking her body even as she stood in the pouring rain. Unlike other mounds around her, this one did not have a cross atop it, nor did it have a headstone. Rosaline had felt it would definitely not be fitting to put up a cross on Aria's grave considering how the girl had died. And as for a headstone, she had considered it at first, but that idea had eventually been discarded.

After all, even if she were to make one, what would she write on it? Aria was the last of her family to die and as far as Rosaline knew, the girl did not have any other relations outside the Order of The New World. Even within the organisation, the only people she had really gotten along with had been Rosaline herself and Ezra. The latter had been in a strange love-hate relationship with Aria, something that Rosali
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