Chapter 96 knowing the basics part 4

Right at that moment his eyes opened and a burst of light created a spiral dome around his body, slowly raising his body off the ground forcefully twisting back the bones into place has he growls in agony. It was as if his Mana had made his body into its marionette forcefully, healing his wounds by fixing the bones the flesh and the muscles into place by force, which cause immense pain throughout his body enough pain sometimes it caused him to block out a few times over.

(Sfx Splash)

He was then doused in the same light blue liquid Mana that Lieg had in his hands, this immediately disperse the manasphere that had engulfed him and slowly seeped into his skin healing the scarring marks on the bones and the skin being twisted bringing him back to full health.

"That...that was a!?" Tetso exclaimed confused as he as well as the rest of the elders who had position themselves somewhat to the side of the crowd at an angle where they could watch the fight happening behind the rune stone and h
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