In The Club
Cameron drew back a step as he watched Trent totter drunkenly towards him and he peered at him as if surprised to see him in this environment. His look of surprise turned to a sneer.

Cameron knew that Trent could not help the disdain, he was used to seeing him in a subservient manner and finding him here in this prestigious club would surprise him. Cameron knew for a fact that Trent had nothing to complain about because not only had the money owed been paid back but a generous interest on the money had been added.

“Don’t tell me you came here to look for work, Has the most elite club in the city stooped so low that they now hire fraudulent bastards such as yourself off the street?” He asked with a boisterous laugh.

Cameron noticed that Troy was watching their interaction and he hated it, not because he had anything to prove but because he did not trust him, Cameron had the nagging feeling that he was only being friendly with him so that he could get intel on him and get him out of the
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