The Missing Son of A Conglomerate

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The Missing Son of A Conglomerate

By: fibiaavanti OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 16 views: 145

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Julian Montague, a child adopted by the Kingsley family. At the age of 18, Julian was married off by Sebastian Kingsley to his youngest child, Aurora Kingsley. In their third year of marriage, Julian and Aurora did not have any children. Julian worked odd jobs as a waiter at one of the Kingsley family's resorts. Isadora, Aurora's sister, and Felicity, Aurora's mother, strongly dislike Julian. They force Aurora to divorce Julian. However, who would have thought that Julian was one of the conglomerate's children who had been missing since childhood.

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16 chapters
Chapter 1 - Miserably Julian
Julian was sitting alone with Aurora by the pool, sipping wine, and gazing up at the night sky. It's quite chilly, but they're enjoying it together as they play with their feet in the water."Everything feels perfect," Aurora murmured, turning to Julian with a sweet smile.Julian looked back at his wife and clung to her neck, slowly pressing their lips together. After three years of marriage, Julian and Aurora were still drunk in love, like tonight. Their marriage was filled with many obstacles, but they were happy together."Oh, stop you miserable couple." A grumbling voice was heard from behind Aurora and Julian's bodies. Aurora immediately pulled her body away from Julian and glanced in the direction where the voice came from. "What are you doing here, sis?""I also want to look at the stars tonight." Isadora, Aurora's sister, was the one who ruined the atmosphere tonight.Isadora immediately sat down on a poolside chair, wearing her bath towel and a glass of beer in her hand, whi
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Chapter 2 - His World Has Collapsed
"Julian!" Aurora stopped in the doorway of her house.Julian, who was already a few meters away from Aurora's position, also stopped. Julian looked back and saw Aurora, his wife, with a sad face. Aurora ran down the stairs and approached Julian."Don't go," she said with her cheeks filled with tears."Aurora, come back here quickly!" Felicity was still following her daughter. "Just let him go; he can't make you happy at all."Aurora seemed to be trying to cover her ears and grabbed Julian's hand. It broke Julian's heart to see Aurora crying silently."Aurora, I will definitely come back when I can prove that I can make you happy.""Aurora, hurry up! Come back here, or do you want to live with a poor man like him?" Felicity continued to make threats."Just go back there, Aurora." Julian whispered, releasing Aurora's grip.Aurora could only cry and was speechless. Julian just walked away without looking back. Aurora fell to her knees without stopping crying."Aurora, let's go inside." I
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Chapter 3 - Wedding Day
The next morning, Felicity was taking a spare key for Aurora’s room. Felicity opened up Aurora’s bedroom and closed the door quietly. Felicity walked slowly into Aurora’s bed and sat on the bed while looking at Aurora. Felicity put her body and stroked Aurora’s hair slowly.“Aurora, wake up.” Felicity whispered because she didn’t want to make Aurora surprised.Aurora turned her body and opened her eyes with the remaining strength she had. Aurora saw her mother lying beside her with a little smile. Aurora was eager to avoid Felicity, but her body was too limp to do that. So, Aurora just shut up and tried to close her eyes again."Aurora, get up, it's already early. Do you want to just sleep all day?" Felicity tried to persuade in subtle ways.Aurora nodded her head and kept both eyes closed. Felicity tries to figure out how to wake him up. Felicity didn't want to give up because today, she was going to reunite Aurora with her new husband-to-be. So, inevitably, Aurora had to get up and
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Chapter 4 - Humiliation
Julian, suspicious with the arrival of the two men, decides to guard around the Kingsleys' home. Julian tries to find a way to meet Aurora. Now, he is very worried about Aurora, especially after hearing about her arranged marriage with another man from the women in that cafe."Aurora, where are you?" Julian ran around the mansion like he was exercising, because the mansion was huge.Julian stopped when he saw someone in the backyard who was sitting on a swing. Julian tried to look more carefully before he finally realized that the person was Aurora. Julian tried to bring himself closer and called Aurora's name."Aurora! Dear! Hey!"Aurora couldn't hear it at all. Julian also thought about climbing the fence a little so that his figure could be seen by her. However, Julian unfortunately stopped when he saw a man sitting a few meters away, not far from Aurora's place. Julian remembered that it was the man who got out of that car this morning. Not long after, Isadora came and called the
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Chapter 5 - Monsieur Julian Montague
“Thank God, you finally woke up.” The middle-aged man was smiling when Julian finally opened his eyes.Julian lied on the bed in an unknown place. Julian looked at the man before he looked around the room to guess where he was. The room and the items around Julian looked very luxurious. Julian immediately knew that he was being helped by another rich man by now.“How do you feel? Does anything hurt?" The middle-aged man approached Julian, bent down, and asked with a great concern.Julian's gaze returned to the man, and he shook his head slowly. Julian's lips were still too tired to make a sound."Hurry up and get a doctor!" The man ordered the other man, who had been standing by the door."Yes, sir." The man in black-on-black immediately darted away from this room and called a doctor, just as he ordered to.Julian tried to move his body and tried to sit up."Don't move too much; let the doctor examine you first, sir." The man held Julian's body and prevented him from moving.Finally,
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Chapter 6 - Don't You Dare!
That night, Aurora, Lucas, and their families were busy preparing for their wedding. Aurora can't do anything but comply with her family's wishes. Aurora sat silently in front of the makeup mirror with two makeup artists surrounding her.There was a knock on the door that made Aurora turn her head in an instant. "Hi, can Papa come in?"Aurora nodded her head with a flat expression. Aurora looked back at the mirror and let Sebastian walk over to her. Sebastian stood behind Aurora and flashed a bitter smile. Sebastian felt sad and happy at the same time."You look beautiful, Aurora." Sebastian complimented his daughter.However, Aurora had no intention of reciprocating. Aurora was too sick to accept this fact. Aurora had to marry for a second time to someone she didn't love. Aurora was forced to go along with this for the sake of business, and it had all been planned by her mother, Felicity."Sorry, can you guys leave us alone? I want to talk to my daughter one-on-one." Sebastian asked
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Chapter 7 - Divorce Paper
"Hurry up and call an ambulance!""Everyone, get out of the way!"Everyone started to panic and tried to help Aurora. Julian, the person who was still lying under Aurora's body, immediately held her up. He looked at Aurora with a very sad face, and even Julian was crying."Don't you dare to touch my daughter!" Felicity, who looked at Julian holding Aurora, immediately gave a bluff."Let me help, Mrs." Lucas, Aurora's future husband, immediately stole the show and lifted Aurora's body from Julian's lap.Julian, who was still in deep shock and limp to see Aurora dripping with blood, let Lucas carry her out. Julian was still sitting and slumping on his own amidst the chaos of the guests. There was one person who suddenly walked up to him and gave him a glimpse, and that was Sebastian. Julian returned the gaze full of tears. However, Sebastian soon walked away.The sound of an ambulance coming in and immediately took Aurora away from the place. The entire Kingsley and Lucas family got int
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Chapter 8 - Kidnapping Aurora
Julian walked out of the cafe with heavy steps and an irritated feeling. Unexpectedly by Julian, it turned out that Hale was waiting for him in his private car. Julian approached Hale and then talked to him."How did Mr. Hale know I was here?" Julian asked with confusion, especially since he went out without anyone knowing."I will always know where and where my master is." Hale replied with a smile. "Are you ready to return home?"Unexpectedly, Hale was not angry with Julian at all. Of course, Julian was his master so there was no way Hale would be angry with him. Julian had the freedom, the freedom to do anything."Thank you, Mr. Hale." Julian still seemed stiff to Hale especially since Hale was much older than him so Julian felt he had to respect him.Julian got into the car and then Hale drove the car to the Montague mansion. Hale stopped the car in front of the front door of the mansion and opened it for Julian. Julian stepped out and walked to the front door while waiting for Ha
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Chapter 9 - Welcome Home
That night, Hale set everything in motion to bring Aurora back into Julian's arms. Hale enlists the help of the other bodyguards, while Julian is just a lookout. Julian watched how they did their job from a distance. Julian was looking forward to seeing Aurora again."Everything is ready, sir." Hale told him before starting his mission."Well, if it's ready, Do it, Mr. Hale." Julian gave the last signal before everyone left."Okay, go!"Hale immediately ordered the bodyguards to head to the hospital where Aurora was being treated. Hale stayed by Julian's side so he could keep a close eye on him. Five bodyguards left and disappeared from Julian's presence. They got into the two cars that Hale had prepared earlier.The five bodyguards arrived at the hospital at a time when all the nurses were starting to go home and change shifts. Two of the three bodyguards infiltrated and pretended to be hospital nurses. Not forgetting, they checked the patient's room data to find out which room Auror
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Chapter 10 - Back Together
Julian looked at Aurora with teary eyes. Julian looks very happy when he sees Aurora start to open her eyes. Aurora could also clearly see that Julian, her husband, was in front of her. Julian grasped Aurora's hand tightly with a big smile."Aurora," Julian said softly. "Do you feel something? Aches or pains?"Julian wanted to make sure that Aurora was not feeling any pain anymore. Aurora was still silent and gathered all her life while feeling all her limbs. Aurora no longer felt any severe pain in any area of her body, except for her head."Julian," Aurora called in a very low voice."What's wrong, dear?" Julian got up from his position and looked at Aurora more closely while stroking Aurora's hair gently.Aurora did not answer and then raised her other hand to stroke Julian's face. Aurora smiled a little and then shed tears from her right eye. The first happy tears were dropped by Aurora. Julian immediately wiped away the tears very gently."Don't cry; now we're back together again
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