The Monarch's Retribution

47 ratings

The Monarch's Retribution

By: Benjamin_Jnr CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 160 views: 27.4K

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Nicolas was the bastard son of a daughter in the prestigious Tyris family. Treated with scorn and disgust; Nicolas didn’t have it easy in the Tyris family. He remained in the Tyris family and faced these treatments willingly because of his mother. His mother however suddenly died; and the investigation was swept under the rugs. Torn with grief, anger and frustration, Nicolas left the Tyris family and vanished completely. Five years later he is back. The reason for his return? To watch the Tyris family burn to the ground.

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  • Visitor


    i like this book*

    2024-09-23 22:17:44
  • Visitor


    i like this bookd

    2024-09-23 22:17:24
  • Angela Graham


    Please tell me there is a second book for m Nicolas and Charlotte

    2024-06-13 05:34:52
  • Kehmii


    More updates please

    2024-05-28 00:31:43
  • Angela Graham


    Just got to the last chapter of this intriguing novel and I can’t wait for the updates. Definitely a page turner and for more ...... so keep it coming author and don’t hold back. Thank you

    2024-05-08 19:00:05
  • King


    I like this book

    2024-02-27 04:50:17
  • Kyle


    Nice novel

    2023-10-26 15:26:59
  • Benjamin_Jnr


    Constant updates have resumed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    2023-10-06 23:48:40
  • Visitor


    I love all the author other two works, and this one looks incredibly promising as well. I’m enjoying it so far. Good job author

    2023-07-17 22:46:59
  • Humming Byrd


    I trust you, gotta read it later

    2023-07-13 02:25:46
  • Janethleen


    Awesome book. Nice plot!

    2023-07-08 02:01:52
  • Iwaswiththestars


    Nice book! Not the typical storyline I always read here on this platform. Good job, author! I like this.

    2023-06-25 10:29:24
  • Kehmii


    I love this book

    2023-06-12 03:40:39
  • _apherdex


    Good book.

    2023-06-11 00:44:33
  • South Ashan


    This author never disappoints. Fell in love with your writing while reading TCH and now this one too

    2023-06-11 00:01:20
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Latest Chapter
160 chapters
Chapter 1 - Worse than a dog
-The Tyris Family’s Manor In a very luxurious manor, decorative lights and chandeliers lit up the extravagant family manor. Tonight, was the 65th birthday of Grey Tyris, the Patriarch of the Tyris. As such, the whole Tyris family was in a celebratory mood. Why wouldn’t they be? This was the birthday of the most important person in the Tyris family. Less than two decades ago, the Tyris family was one of the poorest families in the city and were on the verge of going bankrupt when Grey Tyris, the Patriarch of the Tyris family scored a very lucrative deal with a noticeably big family. As a result of this, the Tyris family that were on the verge of snuffing out like a flame in the wind revived from the ashes like a phoenix. The deal gave the Tyris family a period of rapid development that was unprecedented in the city, and in less than two decades, the Tyris family was now one of the four richest families in the city, valued at over five hundred million dollars. It was no wonder tha
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Chapter 2 - Humiliation
The entire Tyris family gaped in extreme shock! Everyone stared at the young boy now identified as Nicolas in shock, bewilderment, and surprise! Nicolas did not bring any gifts for the Patriarch of the Tyris family, not even the least one, and yet he had the audacity to ask him for five thousand dollars! Eighteen years ago, Min Tyris, the most brilliant daughter of the Tyris family ran away from her duties as a member of the Tyris family and eloped with a no name man who she fell in love with. This case caused a lot of resentment for the members of the Tyris family, as it was a slap in their face. Min Tyris was such a beautiful lady in her early years, so weeks after scoring the lucrative deal with the big family that put the Tyris family back on track, a number of powerful men sought her hand in marriage. There was no shortage of powerful characters such as the heirs of prominent families, the heads of several business groups and even the head of the second richest family in th
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Chapter 3 - Fire
Nicolas rushed to hold his mother the moment he heard the Patriarch’s voice. Only when she was standing close to him did he turn his attention to the Patriarch. “Five thousand dollars?” The Patriarch, Grey Tyris asked in an even tone. “Yes Grandfather!” Nicolas answered enthusiastically. Grey Tyris didn’t say a word after Nicolas’ response; instead, he stretched his hands. Not a second later, a brown envelope was placed in his hands. The Patriarch opened the envelope and then counted five one thousand dollar notes, then brought it out. A happy expression appeared on Nicolas’ bruised face at the sight of the smooth five thousand dollar notes. With such an amount of money, he would be able to buy the supplements he needed for his mother, and as such her health would definitely improve! The Patriarch looked at Nicolas coldly for a few seconds, before throwing the five thousand dollar notes to the ground. “If you want the money so damn much, then crawl to get it!” The Patriarch sudd
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Chapter 4 - No Sympathy
Impossible.Nicolas could not believe his eyes. No; he refused to believe it.The terrible feeling that had been gnawing at his heart was not a hoax after all.It was real.“Mother…” Nicolas murmured disbelievingly. He turned around and searched desperately for his mother in the crowd, yet he couldn’t find her.“Where is my mother?” Nicolas murmured while searching frantically for her.“MOTHER!” Nicolas screamed out at the top of his voice, unable to bear it anymore.Despite how hard he tried not to believe it, he knew.His mother wasn’t here in the crowd.His mother was still in the fire.His mother was burning.Nicolas started running towards the sweltering flames, the heat reaching him even from the distance.He was ready to dive into the scorching flames to save his mother.However, how would such a thing happen?“Come back you swine!” A middle-aged guest hollered after seeing Nicolas make a mad dash for the fire and held him back with little effort.Nicolas was severely malnouris
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Chapter 5 - I will be back
Nicolas remained standing in front of the burnt room, which was now damp from the efforts of the fire fighters. As if to add salt to his fresh wounds, the sky rumbled, and droplets of rain started dropping from the sky. The droplets from the rain fell on Nicolas’ bruised skin, and what started as a drizzle soon turned into a heavy downpour. It was as if the sky was mourning the death of Min Tyris. Nicolas continued standing under the pelting raindrops, mourning the death of his mother. Nothing else mattered at this point. It rained as if it were the last chance for it to rain, and the intensity of the rain didn't decrease; rather, it intensified. Just like that, three hours passed in silence. By now, the whole manor was silent. It was way past bedtime after all, and unless one had something to do awake, or they were the security guards on duty, everyone should be sleeping peacefully. Nicolas, drenched by the heavy rain, turned around and started walking towards the part of the
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Chapter 6 - Jade Palace
-Jade Palace On a huge island in the middle of the ocean, sat a majestic Palace. This estate belonged to one of the most powerful business groups in the world, the Nacht Group. Inside this extremely regal palace, two people could been seen talking to each other. “Mr. Nicolas! Are you really going back to Stormwind city?” a man around the age of sixty asked in a worried tone. He was dressed in an expensive white suit, and his grey hair was combed neatly. An extremely attractive young man with glossy midnight hair and piercing blue eyes looked at the old man before letting out a gorgeous smile. He was dressed in an equally expensive black suit, with a limited edition Patek wristwatch adorning his wrist. This extremely attractive young man was Nicolas Nacht, the owner of Nacht Group, one of the largest business corporation in the world!Standing at 195 cm tall, with broad muscles and a body sculpted by the long hours spent in the gym and practicing several challenging martial arts, N
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Chapter 7 - Nicolas Returns
-The Clinton family villa. The ambience in the exquisitely furnished living room was extremely depressing. “Charlotte, if you agree to marry me, I will give your business a 20-million-dollar injection to get it back on track. After that, I will be in charge of paying for all of your father's hospital bills. I will ask the greatest medical professionals from abroad to treat him.” In the living room, a dashing young man with sleek black hair was seated on the plush sofa. He was wearing the newest, most costly Louis Vuitton shoes and a brown leather suit. He had an unmistakable air of superiority on his face, and his aura was haughty. He smirked coldly and egotistically as he observed the stunning woman seated across from him. It seemed he was determined to get her. The woman was incredibly stunning, with a sculpted form that was flawless, with curves in all the right places. Her waist was nipped up, and her skin was as white as the moon. A set of arched brows gazed down on sweeping
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Chapter 8 - A brilliant deal
Charlotte looked at the extremely handsome stranger who introduced himself as Nicolas sceptically. “What do you mean by that, Mr. Nicolas?” Charlotte asked in a sceptical tone. Nicolas remained seated on the very relaxing sofa and smiled once again before answering. “Exactly what I mean, Miss. Charlotte Clinton.” Nicolas replied leisurely. “I have an extremely brilliant deal for you, and it is not just brilliant for you, but for your Clinton Group as a whole.” Nicolas said authoritatively, his whole demeanour oozing dominance and imperiousness. “May I know what this deal is?” Charlotte asked in an even tone, however the curiosity in her tone couldn’t be hidden. Nicolas smiled and fiddled with a peculiar diamond ring on his right index finger before answering her. This action drew Charlotte’s attention to the ring. On a closer look, one would notice that there was an inscription on the ring. However, before she could make out what the inscription was, Nicolas put his right hand in
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Chapter 9 - Meeting at Black Cafe
-Primrose Golden Alcazar Inside a very luxurious hotel suite that screamed of opulence and wealth, an attractive young man poured a bottle of a 19-year-old exquisite red wine into a glass cup. The young man was dressed in a black bathroom robe, with water droplets still dripping off the pale skin of his dexterously sculpted upper body that spoke of long hours of training exposed. On his muscular well defined back rested a very intricate tattoo of a wolf. His glossy midnight black hair was still wet from the long shower that he had in the jacuzzi. This attractive young man was of course Nicolas. After leaving the Clinton Group’s headquarters, Nicolas paid the exorbitant fee of a hundred thousand dollars for a night at the Primrose Golden Alcazar while he waited for Charlotte’s call. As for whether Charlotte would agree to his deal, he was not bothered about that. Charlotte’s precious Clinton Group had been backed into a corner. He was sure that she would do anything possible to re
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Chapter 10 - Patrick's Outrage
-Hilton Restaurant, Stormwind City. Inside the VIP room of a very luxurious restaurant, two people of dignified bearing were sitting opposite each other. On top of the table that separated them from each other rested several luxurious and exotic dishes, with two bottles of exotic red wine accompanying the dishes. "This is definitely the end of the road for Charlotte Clinton." "I have thoroughly cornered her, and for her to escape her predicament she has no choice but to marry me." one of the two people dining with each other said in a very confident and satisfied tone. The person who spoke was a dashing young man with sleek black hair. He was dressed in an expensive grey suit with an equally expensive Breguet wristwatch worth around twenty thousand dollars adorning his left wrist. This young man was of course Patrick Schick, the current heir to the Schick Group. "As expected of the current heir to the Schick Group! Who can resist your charms?!" the second person replied. He was
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